Saturday 3 November 2018

Four ways to improve your intuition

Intuition is an underestimated source of knowledge that can be of great use. Four exercises to strengthen your intuition.
Practice and use your imagination
Intuition is a matter of recognizing patterns. The more use you make of your imagination, the more patterns you will recognize. You can develop your imagination by gaining new experiences, by doing new things: go to a restaurant where you would otherwise never go, visit a movie that you had not wanted to see, in short, do something different from your own would normally do, find new experiences.

 Learn to listen
Take your sixth sense seriously and learn to listen to what that strange feeling actually means. Take the time for it and try to get clearer of what your intuition wants to tell you through associations or imaginations

Tell stories
You can develop your intuition by using your imagination better, by telling stories. Imagine at the beginning of a new project that it has failed and then think up what could have gone wrong. Or fantasize what it would be like if you were to carry out the project in another time or in another country.

Pronounce suspicions and feelings of uncertainty
People often say: I'm not sure, but I think ... Or: I'm not sure, but I feel like ... Do not break those sentences, but keep going, tell them more about it. Research where your doubts come from, try to find out what experiences and knowledge your suspicions are based on. Tell more!

In what situation can you use your intuition?
• In a simple and structured situation, with a clearly defined procedure, you do not intuitively work. You approach the situation purely rationally. You stop in front of a red traffic light, and you stand in line at the supermarket counter. And in a meeting you wait with your announcement until you reach the relevant agenda item.

• In a more complicated situation, you still rely on your mind, but here knowledge and experience are important: take the situation in which a doctor makes a diagnosis, or in which a consultant gives a financial advice.

• In a situation where much is unknown, you have to rely more on your intuition. With some decisions it is impossible to master all knowledge before you make a decision. You make an assessment, take a risk, you base your intuition on your intuition: that could be a go / no go decision for a new project or a radical change operation.

• In a chaotic situation, your basal response is instinctive. There is no time to consult your mind; often there is also panic, so you must use your intuition directly. Examples of such situations are a car accident, a fire that breaks out, a fight.


Rapid weight loss without diet is possible, easy to realize and responsible.In order to prevent a so-called yo-yo effect, scientists and nutritionists are advised not to lose a lot of weight with, for example, a crash diet or extreme sports. Responsible weight loss means an average weight loss of 1 to 3.5 kilos per week, depending on your current excess weight. This means that you can lose a clothing size within 1.5 weeks. It has been scientifically proven that you achieve the fastest and best results by using protein shakes where it is perfectly possible to stay at the ideal weight for you. In addition to the fact that you will find a lot of information on weight loss, healthy lifestyle habits and products that you can help with this website, you can also order the desired products via the web shops that we have carefully selected.

The benefits of losing weight quickly
You probably do not need to be convinced of the fact that a healthy weight is important. Below are some benefits of being slim:

With a healthy weight you lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. You should not think of becoming ill as a result of your overweight while this is not necessary at all. Furthermore, you will simply feel happier if you have a healthy weight!

You have more energy to do fun things with your children, nephews and nieces for example, or just join in with a sports tournament. What's better now to wake up full of energy every day and start a new day positively without being annoyed by the excess pounds.
You will be given the opportunity to exercise, or you will experience a lot more fun in sports because it is easier for you to go. Sports gives energy, reduces stress, is healthy, gives satisfaction and contributes to building social contacts.

To be able to buy nice clothes which is also nice and have the choice of many different types of clothing is a big advantage of being slim. You no longer have to go to special stores to buy new clothes. Wearing nice clothes gives you more confidence and creates a positive image. Not for nothing does the statement: "make clothes the man".

Getting into relationships
Because you look healthy and fun and therefore feel good about yourself, it is easier to make contact with other people and you are better off to enter into a relationship with someone. Furthermore, there is a good chance that your existing relationship will re-emerge and become exciting again. It is also more common that you receive compliments from other people about your appearance. Especially the people in your immediate environment will perceive the change in your weight which often results in nice compliments.

Financial advantage
Furthermore, a healthy weight gives you a financial advantage, for example taking out life and supplementary health insurance policies. This can quickly save hundreds of euros per year.

You are no longer ashamed of your body and can wear what you like. You can go for a nice swim without feeling constantly upset.

No physical complaints
For example, you suffer from knee and back complaints. If you lose the extra kilos, chances are that many physical complaints will disappear.

Feeling sexy
As a woman you feel sexy again because your buttocks, hips and breasts have regained normal shape. As a man you feel confident again in the neighborhood of and dealings with women.


Super foods are completely hot nowadays. We notice that there is increasing attention for food and especially for healthy food . A good development towards a healthier life for everyone. As editors therefore a good reason to go a bit further on the so-called super foods. Healthy eating is the basis for a healthy weight.

What are super foods?
Super foods is super healthy food which is therefore very beneficial for your health and immune system. It is organic and therefore "pure nature" nutrition. Officially, the super foods must have a beneficial effect, otherwise the term can not be used by the EU. This is because the EU but also the food center is of the opinion that there is no "super food" but that it is precisely variation in the diet. It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and good fats. The super foods are not made industrially but simply matured by the sun (mother earth). That is why super food is also called solar nutrition.

Super foods - species and origin
The term super food is relatively unknown to many people. This is because this form of nutrition mainly comes from abroad.

The super foods consist mainly of plants, fruits and seeds. They are mostly products that have been used since human existence because of their good and healthy effect. For now it's good to come up with some examples of super foods. Below we have listed a number of well-known and popular super foods for you:

The Acai berry is dark blue to purple in color and is especially common in South America and Suriname. The berry grows in large forests on a palm called Acai. The berry tastes like chocolate, nuts and blueberries. It contains many antioxidants and is very conducive to a healthy metabolism. With antioxidants is a collection of substances such as vitamins (C + E), selenium and bio active substances. The substances would (although not scientifically proven) help in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. To give an impression of how many antioxidants it contains, it is good to know that Acai berries contain 60 times as much antioxidants than broccoli.


Vitamins are healthy. Everyone knows and says it. In practice, we see that very few people know in which products we can find which vitamins. On this page we will elaborate on the different types of vitamins, the function of vitamins and where you can find the vitamins. If you know where you can find the vitamins, it allows you to eat healthier. Healthier eating means fewer calories and a fitter feeling. Less calories also means losing weight!
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are substances that play a protective role in your body. It is comparable to oil that must ensure that the engine (smoothly) continues to run. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are fuels for your body. They act as a kind of fuel that a car needs to be able to drive. You can refuel your fuel in your car, if the engine does not work you will not get ahead. The car is sick and needs to be repaired. Vitamins are therefore indispensable for a well-functioning body.
Where can you find the vitamins?
You can find vitamins in pills, but also in healthy food. If you eat healthy you get enough vitamins. You can start from that.

Some vitamin pills that are known for their proper functioning are:

You can order the vitamin pills directly via the order button below. You then order from a reliable with that delivers within 24 hours.


I do not eat completely raw, but have tried regularly delicious dishes. My favorite apple pie is raw. I have read, tried, but not 100% done about it. Maybe it's a good idea to try it once. But what does life according to raw food actually mean? Worth a nice research ...
What is raw food?
Raw food means "raw food". This means food that is pure nature. Food that has not been processed by humans. This means that nothing has been added but also that the food is not cooked, fried, steamed or roasted.

The philosophy of raw food is based on the conviction that uncooked food is better for the body. By cooking food or otherwise processing, many enzymes would be lost. This makes processed food difficult to digest.

People deal very differently with the term raw food. Some people who follow a raw food diet plan limit their consumption of cooked and processed foods to 25% or less.

However, there are raw food movements that go much further. These movements even eliminate meat, fish, dairy and eggs from their diet. It is believed that this diet has no value for the body. In addition, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs would be a source of all kinds of  allergies .

Where does the raw food thought come from?
The raw foodies point to the dietary pattern of our ancestors. Some 400,000 years ago, man only invented the fire. Before that, humans only ate food that was not heated. The idea is that man is not originally made to eat food that is heated.

This reasoning is supported by pointing to cultures such as those of the Himalayan Hunza. In this valley people eat a lot of raw food. They follow a diet that mainly consists of unprocessed vegetable food with only a small portion of meat once a week, not boiled milk and a lot of water was drunk. In this valley people are very old. Many people are older than 100 years.

What do people eat with a raw food diet?
A raw food diet includes a variety of nutritious foods:

sprouted beans and grains
raw nuts
non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk (preferably made by yourself)
In short, every raw food meets the raw food diet standard. They often eat organic, because then no pesticides have been used to 'pollute' the food. As mentioned, there are different forms of a raw food diet.

The most commonly used raw food diet form contains only food that is not cooked, fried or roasted. Some raw food diets go even further in this. These do not even contain meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Even though there are quite fish species that you can eat unprocessed. The same applies to eggs and dairy. Meat often needs to be heated before it is edible.

What are the benefits of raw food?
A major risk to public health is the industrial processing of food as we buy it in the supermarket. Especially the fact that a lot of sugars and salt is added is unhealthy. We see this in the growing number of welfare diseases. Just think of the fact that almost 50% of the Dutch are too heavy.

What are the disadvantages of raw food?
The nutrition center in the Netherlands states that it has not been scientifically proven that heating of food would be carcinogenic. Only if you burn food and then eat it will you run health risks. According to the food center, the most important thing is that you eat healthy and varied. In addition, the dietary pattern does not have to consist entirely of raw food. By eating only raw food, the diet can easily become one-sided so that you miss essential nutrients. Think of vitamin B12 that is mainly found in animal products.

Critics of the raw food diet claim that while some good enzymes are destroyed, when food is cooked it is of minor importance. They say that the body produces its own digestive enzymes in response to food intake.

Another claim is that certain nutrients are absorbed more easily by the body when food is cooked. You can not eat beans raw. That can not be processed by your body.

Proponents indicate that obesity does not occur in raw food supporters. The opponents find it logical that obesity does not occur in people who eat raw. The weight loss is fully attributed to the calorie restriction.

Raw food wise or not wise?
In short there are supporters and opponents of eating Raw Food. Personally, I believe that we can eat raw more often. After all, there are tasty options and if you occasionally add a raw meal to your healthy diet, you benefit from the benefits of raw food. How can you teach described yourself about healthy eating on our lose belly page.

That's why I also like to borrow a raw food recipe and enjoy these pure flavors to the fullest. But eating completely raw is going too far. As inspiration for this article, I also once again looked at the documentary on Zapp about the boy who only eats raw. Then I thought again, that is very extreme. Especially for me.

Start with raw food
If you want to start with raw food, you can use the Paleo diet for example. With this Paleo diet  you return to the eating habits of our for the elderly. Read the review and decide for yourself if this is something for you to try out?


Carbohydrates are a very important energy source for your body. Someone who eats healthy gets between 40 and 70% of his or her energy from carbohydrates. The term "carbohydrate" refers to a combination of carbon and water (so-called hydrates). The term carbohydrate comes from the Greek language. Carbohydrates are also regularly called sugars. Do you want to lose weight, eat healthy or just some background information. On this page you will find a lot of relevant information about carbohydrates.
The function of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates supply energy to your body. Without energy we can not think or move, so everybody needs them. Especially your brain and red blood cells need carbohydrates every day. Everyone knows that brains are crucial for living. The red blood cells are also crucial, because they ensure that all tissues in your body are supplied with oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs.

In addition to energy, the carbohydrates ensure that your body can store fats. In general, it is assumed that it is healthy when your body gets around 20-40% of its energy from fats.

Fat and proteins are also an important source of energy. If you want to lose weight quickly, then some knowledge of these energy sources is desirable.

Besides being a source of energy, carbohydrates are also important nutrients because they provide your body with fibers, vitamins and minerals. Too many carbohydrates can mean that your body gets too little protein and fat.

Too little carbohydrate
If you consume too few carbohydrates there is a risk that you are consuming too little fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is bad for your health. For example, vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy growth and skin, for healthy teeth, good working heart and blood vessels, to prevent illness etc.etc.

Too little can also mean that you are losing muscle mass. Your body will then search for another energy source that it finds in proteins (and fats). Proteins are very important for building and maintaining muscle mass. If your body has to deal too much with this, this will be at the expense of your muscle mass.

A good balance is therefore important. In general, it is recommended to consume about 5 to 7 grams per kilogram of body weight every day.

Good and bad carbohydrates
If you want to lose weight this means that you can eat the multiple or the slow carbohydrates. But what does this mean for your food. Good carbohydrates can be found in high-fiber foods:

whole-wheat products
Rye bread
kidney beans
frog peas
leafy vegetable
semi-skimmed milk
The bad carbs are in:

White bread
potatoes, potato puree
dried fruit
corn flakes
rice cracker
Products with good and bad carbohydrates:

potato chips
fizzy drink
For people who are interested in the underlying idea of ​​good and bad carbohydrates, a piece of theory follows.

Types of carbohydrates
In order to determine which carbohydrates you need and which you can consume less, it is necessary to have insight into the different types. They can be divided into three different ways:

Well digestible - not digestible
The energy from carbohydrates is absorbed into the body through your small intestine. This happens because your small intestine digests them, thereby giving glucose to your body. Glucose is also called sugar. The carbohydrates that your body can convert into glucose are called the digestible carbohydrates.

The non-digestible are broken down by the bacteria in your colon but not absorbed in your body. These therefore do not constitute a source of energy; hence the indication "not digestible" and counted among the dietary fibers.

Single and multiple
Carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules. On the basis of the amount of sugar molecules, the carbohydrates can be divided into single or multiple. The most important examples of simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides) are grape and fruit sugar and galactose (milk products). The sugars mentioned are very common in fruit and honey. Galactose is common in dairy products.

The most important examples of multiple carbohydrates are starch, animal products, beet and cane sugar and milk and malt sugar.

From chemistry the following practical classification can be made:

Simple carbohydrates. These consist of 1 molecule. Think of grape and fruit sugar.
Twofold carbohydrates. These consist of 2 molecules. Think of sugar from the store and milk sugar.
Multiple carbohydrates. These consist of more than 2 molecules. A good example is starch.
The ankle and two-fold carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into your blood and provide immediate energy for your body. They are therefore also called fast sugars. Multiple are absorbed much more slowly by your body and result in a less rapid increase of sugar in your bloodstream. The multiple carbohydrates are therefore often called slow sugars.

Fast and slow carbohydrates
With fast carbohydrates the ankle and twofold are meant. With the slow carbohydrates the multiple are meant.


The disc of five, we've all heard about it. Rarely do people know what the disc of five is exactly and why it is so important to stick to it. People who want to live healthier often suffer from overweight. There are many good websites that give people practical tips for quick and healthy weight loss, possibly in combination with a diet or life style change. The better sites such as  also state that losing weight will only be permanent if you also eat healthier. This will be done on this website also always commented that effects are only permanent if you eat healthy. In this article you will read how you can eat healthier so that weight loss is not for nothing. This article is a summary, if you want more details then you can read our floor about healthy nutrition. For this we have set up a special blog section.

What is the disk of five?
The disc of five consists of the following 5 discs from which you have to eat a certain amount every day in order to get the necessary nutrients:

Disc 1. Vegetable and fruit
By eating enough vegetables and fruit, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced. This is also good for your blood pressure and they contain relatively few calories. Furthermore, vegetables and fruit provide a feeling of satisfaction because the products often contain a relatively large amount of fiber. They also contain many vitamins .

Disc 2. Bread, potatoes, rice and pasta
The 2 nd drive provides you with important nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins. Important for the energy balance and bowel movements. Also important because these products give you a feeling of satisfaction. Less hunger means less risk of dangerous snack behavior.

Disc 3. Dairy, meat and fish (or substitutes)
This disk is an important supplier of proteins. The proteins are important because they act as a building material for your body. These products are also good for bone formation and prevent anemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Disc 4. Greases and oil
With fats and oil we mean those products with which we spread our bread and prepare our food (butter, low-fat margarine and wok oil). In addition to vitamins, these products contain fatty acids that are essential because our body can not produce them themselves. For the fats, you should eat as little saturated fat as possible, instead opt for liquid.

Disc 5. Water
Water and other drinks such as coffee, tea and fruit drinks are necessary for a good moisture balance. We lose moisture every day, which we have to replenish so that our body can transport nutrients in our body and can dispose of waste. Furthermore, moisture is important for your body temperature.

How much do I have to eat from the different disks?
Starting from a 30 year old woman you should eat the following:

2 pieces of fruit (200 gr) and 4 serving spoons of vegetables (200 gr)
4 serving spoons of rice or potatoes (200gr) 6 slices of bread (210gr)
1.5 slices of cheese (30 g), 450 ml of milk products, 125 g of meat, fish eggs or substitutes
1 tablespoon of oil or fry and roasts, further 30 g of low-fat margarine (5 g per slice of bread) `
1.5 to 2 liters of water.
Men usually need something more. Variation in your diet is very important. Do not always eat the same fruit but try to vary.

The disk of four
On this website we also sometimes talk about the disk of four. For example in the article about the diet . The only difference is that the disk of five 'water' typifies as a separate disk.