Thursday, 1 November 2018

7 possible inconveniences with a low carbohydrate diet (and how to solve it)

A low-carbohydrate diet is one of the healthiest ways to quickly and permanently lose weight. But in the beginning it can take some getting used to, both mentally and physically.
Most people experience some discomfort when they start a low-carbohydrate diet.

This article is there to reassure you: it is not 'strange' to experience inconveniences in the beginning. Below you can read the seven most common inconveniences when you start with a low-carbohydrate diet, and you will find tips on how to reduce or resolve these side effects.

Rejuvenating carbohydrates
Your body has to switch from the burning of carbohydrates to the burning of fat. That changeover can be accompanied by a lot of sputtering, and you can suffer from that. Fatigue, headache, poor bowel movements and hunger are complaints that can occur when starting a low-carbohydrate diet.

You can compare these symptoms with a withdrawal period. The withdrawal period of carbohydrates lasts on average from a few days to two weeks. The less carbohydrates you eat, the more intense the side effects can be. This is annoying, but once you get through this, you will feel a lot more energetic, no longer suffer from 'snare attacks' and will not experience any hunger (even if you eat fewer calories). And not entirely unimportant: you fall off!

Are you considering eating less carbohydrates, but do not know where to start? Then read our article about the low- carbohydrate diet.

I am often tired
It may well be that you feel tired or even exhausted during the first few days. When you get up, you feel lethargic, you are not able to burn ahead and you have no energy for fun things. Fatigue is very annoying, but rest assured: it's all part of it.

Your body was used to the fact that energy was quickly available from carbohydrates. Now that you are getting fewer carbohydrates, your body has to learn to get energy from fats. In the meantime, you feel tired. This feeling can last for several days to two weeks. Eventually this feeling, often suddenly, disappears like snow in the sun and you will suddenly experience a lot of energy. At that moment you know that your body has learned to burn fat to get energy.

Tips for more energy
The most important thing is not to give in to the urge for sugar (for fast energy). Instead, follow the tips below to feel more energetic.

Tip 1: Drink green tea
drink in the morning and afternoon green tea : the theine in green tea gives you a subtle energy boost.

Tip 2: Take broth
In a low-carbohydrate diet you often eat less salt. Sometimes your body needs salt, for example if you have lost a lot of fluid. A cup of broth can help you to pep up.

Tip 3: Eat more slow carbohydrates
Do you still feel tired and limp after two weeks? Then you may need more carbohydrates. In that case add more slower carbohydrates to your diet.

I have a headache
No worries: headache is a common side effect of a low-carbohydrate diet. As soon as you lose weight and burn fat, waste substances are released that were stored in your fat cells. Your liver can handle this perfectly and will remove the waste. But in the meantime you unfortunately experience the unpleasant side effects. If you are prone to migraine, you may even get a migraine attack. Headaches can also be caused by a lack of fluid, exactly as is the case with a hangover.

Tips for headaches
Headaches can block your day. Follow the tips below to get rid of headaches.

Tip 1: Drink plenty of water
When it comes to headaches it is important that you drink a lot of water. Often, headache is a sign of fluid deficiency. Water with lemon is very tasty, and also herbal tea such as chamomile or star mint tea can alleviate headaches. You can drink unlimited herbal tea.

Tip 2: Relax
Taking a rest is just as important as drinking water. Only when you relax can the headache ebbed away. Sit or lie down with your eyes closed. Also a walk or other kind of quiet movement (such as yoga) can help to drain waste more quickly and reduce headaches.

Tip 3: Paracetamol
Does the headache last for hours? Paracetamol can provide relief and stop the vicious circle. Obviously do not take too much medication and dissolve headache preferably with rest and moisture.

I have a different bowel movement
If you follow the low-carbohydrate diet of Pure Figure, your body will receive enough fiber (which helps prevent bowel problems). Yet it can happen that you experience a different bowel movement. After all, you eat differently than you are used to. You can suffer from constipation or the opposite: diarrhea. This may have to do with your moisture balance or the amount of fiber or fat that you ingest.

It is important to drink a lot. Most stool problems arise because of lack of fluid. If you drink enough, the fibers get the chance to travel smoothly through your system. This loosens your constipation. Even if you have diarrhea, it is important to get enough fluid, but it is also important to eat enough salts. An extra pinch of sea salt with your meals is a good idea if you suffer from diarrhea.

Tips for a good bowel movement
Follow the tips below to solve a different bowel movement.

Tip 1: Drink lots of water
Make your water better by adding a little lemon juice or mint. Also regularly put a tasty herb tea (such as mint tea or chamomile tea) and pour your empty cup every time.

Tip 2: Eat high fiber.
Are you following a low-carbohydrate diet that contains little fiber? Then add products with fiber. Vegetables, fruit, legumes, oatmeal and linseed are very high in fiber. The best thing is to eat a high fiber breakfast : you benefit from it all day!

Tip 3: Get moving
Do you suffer from constipation? Then do a few yoga exercises to 'get things going', or go for a nice walk or jog. Movement stimulates your gut activity.
I often go hungry / hungry
A low-carbohydrate diet is the best diet to experience little hunger. Once your body is accustomed to burning fat for energy, you will hardly be hungry. Yet it can occur in the habituation phase that you just get hungry or hungry. Your body is whining about carbs because it is used to getting a lot of it.

We distinguish between hunger and appetite. With hunger you have a grinding stomach, and when you are hungry you have the urge to eat something (sweet). It is important that you do not give in to (sweet) appetite. The more steadfast you are in this, the sooner you will reach the stage where your body is no longer nagging about snacks. If you are hungry, that is a different story. A low-carbohydrate diet should be fun, and you should not suffer from it. If your stomach is rumbling or if you feel a bit dull or dizzy, eat a small low-carbohydrate snack.

Tip against hunger and appetite
In our low- carbohydrate snacks article you will find no less than 60 healthy snacks that you can eat between your meals. Did you know, for example, that you can eat almost unlimited snack vegetables? You can find them all in the article, along with other tasty snacks that are rich in fiber, proteins and healthy fats.

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