Losing weight is a serious problem for many Dutch people. This is evident from the fact that I get the question every week: Mirjam, how do I lose belly fat ? Figures from the CBS show that 50% ( source # 1 ) of the Dutch population suffers from excess weight. In many people, this excess weight is visible around the abdomen in the form of belly fat.
Too much belly fat does not look beautiful but causes major health risks. Overweight and especially excess belly fat increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease. On the website of the diabetes fund you can read that the risk of these dangerous diseases can be reduced by 50% by living healthier ( source # 2 ). Losing a few pounds can make a big difference and reduce the health risks.
The good news is that belly does not have to be difficult. In this article you can read exactly what it takes to burn belly fat. Less belly fat means better health, better balance and more energy.
In this article you read:
Do I currently run health risks?
To determine whether you are currently running health risks, you can do a free test here . Discuss the results with a GP if there is reason to do so. The test indicates whether you are at present at risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney damage. It is a scientifically based test developed by general practitioners.
If you do not want to do an extensive test but do know if you run health risks as a result of excess fat, then you can use the accompanying guideline. The guidelines below are based on the NHG standard Obesity ( source # 3 ).
You can measure the waist circumference as follows:
Grab a tape measure or tape measure. Then measure the waist circumference by placing the ribbon just above the pelvis and below the lower rib. Then do not pull the ribbon too tightly while you have exhaled. The number of centimeters that remains is the size of your belly.
A BMI measurement can also provide insight into any health risks. However, a healthy weight does not mean that there is no excess belly fat present. Therefore, the measurement of the abdominal circumference is a better method for estimating risks due to abdominal fat. However, it does not hurt to also gain insight into your BMI.
If you run health risks, it is important to do something about this right away. Meanwhile, I have gained a good understanding of why abdominal discomfort often fails. Given the large risks associated with abdominal fat, we quickly move on to the question of what you can do to quickly lose belly fat. The answer to this question starts with an insight into the fact that weight loss does not succeed so often.
Lose weight belly: where does it go wrong?
Lose weight belly health risks
Below are the two main causes why abortions often fail.
Too little food
People stop eating to lose weight as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, weight loss does not work in this way and food has two major negative consequences that ensure that you do not become slimmer around the stomach.
By stopping food you get hungry and this can cause you to eat (more) unhealthy snacks. The hunger feeling can not be permanently suppressed. Compare it with breathing. There comes a time when you literally start to smell for air.
Too little food can not be sustained in the long run. Much less food for weight loss is also known as the crash diet . It is known that this does not lead to sustainable weight loss results. This is because such a strict diet can not be sustained. In the beginning you usually lose a lot of kilos. However, there comes a time when you fall back into the old eating habits. Since these eating habits do not change, the lost kilos are there again.
By stopping food the metabolism decreases. Although there is no scientific evidence for this, the human body shoots into a kind of 'survival mode' and saves as much energy as possible. It is very economical with the energy that is available. Are you going to eat more then the metabolism remains low. The result is that the body burns fewer calories. The result may be a weight gain, for example around the abdomen. Fortunately, this metabolism can be increased again.
Wrong food
The main cause of overweight and abdominal fat is wrong nutrition. This often goes very unconsciously. You are under the impression that something is healthy and contains few calories while the reality looks very different. As a consumer, we are constantly being misled in the supermarkets and commercials.
Think for example of light products. This means that the product contains 30% less calories, sugars or fats compared to the regular product. You understand that the light product can still be very high in calories. This can be very misleading.
In reality, food from the supermarket is often packed with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. They deliver a lot of calories, but your body has little or nothing. You get only short energy and it delivers few healthy nutrients.
The consequence of this is that you arrive, do not fall off and constantly fancy something tasty. The cause is the (too?) Commercial food industry. Everything must be cheap and long lasting and also taste and smell good.
Sometimes people try to lose belly fat with diet shakes. This is certainly possible but good insight into the advantages and disadvantages is important. In the article about losing weight with shakes you can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of diet shakes. In the article I have included a table in which well-known diet shakes are compared on the basis of price and quality.
Lose weight belly fat and nutrition
Nutrition is the most important button you can turn to quickly lose belly fat ( source # 5 ). Nutrition determines 70% of your body weight. After all, every form of food is burned differently by your body. One food digests very quickly and stimulates the burning of belly fat. Other food actually causes belly fat. Below you can read what is and what not to eat.
What do not eat if you want to quickly lose belly fat
Do not be tempted by products in the supermarket that claim:
Products with 0% fat. This says nothing about the amount of sugars.
Light products. The question is always: l ight to what? Light products contain 30% less calories than the original product according to the standard. So there can still be a lot of calories in it.
No added sugars. The product can still contain many sugars (calories). In addition, your body burns all the sugars in the same way. The body breaks down sugars into glucose which serves as fuel for your body. Sugars and added sugars deliver the same amount of calories.
Healthier choice.
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