Lose weight with fruit: what does 'sufficient' fruit mean?
In healthy food there is a daily amount of two to three pieces of fruit. It is not the intention that you replace the fruit with fruit or fruit drinks but keep it pure. The danger of fruit drinks is that they are often packed with carbohydrates in the form of sugars, so that a glass of fruit drink quickly absorbs a lot of calories while yielding few healthy nutrients.
In addition to the guideline of 2 to 3 pieces of fruit per day, it is important that you vary by eating different types of fruit. Below we explain why this is important.
The color of fruit says a lot about the content
The color of fruit is determined by the plant where the fruit grows. We now know that the color of fruit says a lot about the content. Each color has its own healthy ingredients (vitamins and minerals) which I will explain below. That is why variation in fruit and therefore in color is important. You get enough of everything.
The color green provides the body with antioxidants. These are antibodies that the body needs to protect you against diseases. The antioxidant that occurs in a green apple is also called "quercitine".
The color orange provides the body carotenoids (component vitamin A) which is very good for your eyes. There are about 600 different carotenoids that occur in fruit and vegetables. In nectarines and peaches you will find a lot of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) which you will also find in carrots and oranges.
Red fruit is packed with vitamin C. As described earlier, vitamin C is good for resistance, bones, skin, teeth and blood vessels. Red fruit also slows the aging process. Furthermore, red fruit contains the dye lycopene which prevents prostate cancer.
Yellow fruit is said to be good for blood pressure. Yellow fruit contains a lot of the mineral potassium and is therefore also good for the energy management because it ensures a constant blood sugar level. You need to prevent peaks and valleys in blood sugar as much as possible if you want to keep feeling energetic.
Fruit turns purple through the anthocyanin dye. This substance is an antioxidant and works well against high blood pressure, forgetfulness, inflammation, the aging process of our brains and have a protective effect on the heart. Purple fruit is not the most popular fruit but is very healthy.
Which fruits are healthy
All fruits are healthy and yet there is a lot of distinction between the different types of fruit. Below we discuss two healthy fruits per color.
Apple (green)
Everyone knows the apple. The apple is eaten a lot and is one of the most healthy fruits. Especially the skin of the apple is full of vitamins. Read our article about vitamins to find out exactly which vitamin is good for. We can say that the apple is full of vitamins B and C. In addition, an apple contains many antioxidants (protective substance).
Kiwi (green)
The kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C which has a positive effect on the resistance. There is also folic acid in a kiwi. The kiwi has a thinning effect on the blood. This diluting effect has been demonstrated through a study conducted by scientists from Norway (Oslo). If you suffer from clogging blood vessels, it can make sense to eat 2 to 3 kiwis per day.
Nectarine (orange)
A nectarine contains lutein and zeaxanthin and is a mutant (variant) of the peach. Both substances have a protective effect with respect to the retina. The retina is protected from sunlight and thus prevents damage to the retina. Furthermore, the ingredients counteract (retard) the aging process of the retina.
The only difference between a nectarine and a peach is the shell. The fruits grow on the same tree and sometimes a nectarine and sometimes a peach grows. They are certainly not different fruits but variants.
Apricot (orange)
The apricot contains vitamins in the form of vitamins A, B2, B3 and C. The apricot also contains calcium, iron and phosphorus. The apricot helps against anemia and contains many antioxidants. So they go against diseases and are also good for the eyes. It is known that the apricot counteracts the phenomenon of 'cataract' and other eye diseases.
Strawberry (red)
Strawberries are packed with vitamins B1, B2 and C and contain very few calories. You can also find various minerals such as calcium and iron in the earth. Although the strawberry contains very few calories (about 30 kcal per strawberry) it is one of the most nutritious fruits. What many people do not know is that the strawberry also has a positive effect on the skin. This makes your skin cleaner (less fat) and tighter.
Watermelon (red)
Watermelon surprisingly consists of 95% water and is therefore a real thirst quencher. In addition to water, the watermelon is rich in vitamin C, iron and potassium. There are also various antioxidants in the watermelon and beta-carotene results in vitamin A. Often the seeds are removed while they are very healthy. The kernels contain a lot of protein (protein) and give you a feeling of fullness. Furthermore, research shows that the watermelon contributes to a healthy blood pressure.
Banana (yellow)
The banana contains a lot of potassium and vitamin B6. The banana contains the most vitamin B6 compared to all other fruits. Vitamin B6 and potassium complement each other perfectly. Bananas are good for blood pressure, give you a lot of energy, prevent mood swings in women (premenstrual syndrome), help fight anxiety and depression and ensure good metabolism and intestinal flora.
Melon (yellow)
The melon is also called sugar or honey melon and is characterized by an even dark yellow skin and nice soft flesh with a yellow color. This type of fruit also contains a lot of potassium, but to a lesser extent than the banana. The melon is a family of the cucumber and can be easily crossed so that there are many variations on the market. Think of the cantaloupe melon. The types of galia melon and net melon have green flesh. We have already discussed the watermelon above.
Blueberries (purple)
The blueberry contains a lot of anthocyanin. The effect of blueberries has been tested on animals. This showed that the blueberry had a positive effect on the cleverness of the animals. The more the animals from the dust anthocyanin ingested, the smarter they became and stayed in spite of aging.
Plums (purple)
The plum is probably at the top when it comes to antioxidant effect. It is therefore pre-eminently a fruit that helps us to avoid becoming ill.
Which fruit types should I watch?
As you have been able to read, fruit is very healthy. It is not that there are fruit types that you have to watch out with. However, one fruit contains more kilocalories than the other kind. If you eat a variety of fruit, you do not have to pay attention to what you eat. It is good to know that cherries, bananas and mango contain a lot of kilocalories.
Eat 2 to 3 pieces of fruit every day and vary in colors and fruits. With this you ensure that eating fruit stays nice and you get enough of everything.
When can I eat the best fruit?
When you eat fruit does not really matter. It is more a personal preference. It is best to listen carefully to the body and decide for yourself when the best time for you is to eat fruit.
Are you a real confectioner and do you regularly grab an unhealthy snack? Then it is advisable to replace these snacks with fruit. Teach yourself to grab fruit as a snack. Make sure you always have a piece of fruit within reach.
Learning to eat healthy
Many people find it very difficult to learn a healthy diet. This is because breaking with old habits is difficult for everyone. It requires an adaptation of our lifestyle. With this article and other information on this website, I hope to have brought a lot of awareness. But I also want to help you to put the theory into practice. I can recommend two options for this.
Option 1:
Ideal for when you are overweight right now and want to learn a healthy eating style but at the same time want to quickly get rid of your excess kilograms. Lose weight and learn to eat healthy are ingredients that are combined in the product diet pro . On the one hand you use shakes to lose weight. On the other hand, you try to work with healthy recipes on a different diet.
Option 2:
Do you find it hard to make healthy food and are you uninspiring? If you want to learn how to cook and also lose weight quickly then I can recommend the slimming recipes Bible
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