Saturday, 3 November 2018


Lose weight without exercise and diet sounds very tempting for many people. But is it also possible to become slimmer without exercising? And if it is possible how can you lose weight without exercising or dying? In this article I give an honest answer to the most important questions about losing weight in combination with sport.
Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
The answer to this question is yes . The most important means to be slim is healthy food. Nutrition roughly determines 70% of your body weight. The remaining 30% is determined by physical exercise. Which food is healthy to eat if you want to lose weight you can read in the article about where I go in on the question: how do I lose belly fat ?

It is therefore true that sports provides extra fast results. It certainly makes it clear which form of exercise / sport you use to lose weight.

In the article about losing weight with sports you can read exactly which form of exercise is most effective. This shows that the so-called HIIT training courses are the most effective. But that will not annoy you as you do not want to exercise but want to lose weight :).

Lose weight without exercising how do I do that?
It is possible to lose weight without exercising. Eating healthy is a concept that you hear very often these days.

Everyone understands something else and often it is difficult to adjust your eating habits in practice. Change of behavior often fails on its own. That is why there are so many weight loss attempts. You go to work with a diet and the kilos fly off.

Ultimately, everyone is about to get rid of the kilos less quickly or even come back again. At this point many people are hooking up and the slimming attempt fails. Recognizable?

If you want to lose weight without exercising, there are several ways to achieve this.

Way 1: losing weight without exercising on your own
Losing weight without exercising and doing this entirely on your own is certainly possible. My opinion is that the starting point should lie in the (h) recognition of own eating behavior. Becoming aware of your own eating behavior can be quite simple and does not have to take much time. Register for a few days to a week what you eat and drink. Nowadays there are useful apps available to support this process. A scrap sheet or annotation in your phone is still working fine.

Based on the registration you can easily see where the pain points are. Which food now ensures that you get too many calories.

Often these are carbohydrate-rich products such as soft drinks, crisps, biscuits, sweets, snacks, loose sugar, syrup, ice cream, pastries, pasta, processed meats (frankfurters, hamburgers, luncheon meat), canned soup, sweet bread sandwich.

Then find out which replacement products you can use for the carbohydrate-rich products. You will see that this is fairly simple and the amount of calories can drastically decrease.

A guideline for the amount of calories you can consume per day can be found on the homepage .

Then you actually replace the high-calorie products with healthier products. You will notice that especially in the beginning a lot of weight loss will occur. Recognize for yourself the point at which attention is loosening and you are about to fall back into old habits. Techniques are available for this, which I will describe at a later date.

Way 2: lose weight without sport with expert support
A second way to realize an effective change is with expert guidance. Choosing a diet that offers guidance increases the chance of success.

Diet with guidance. In the case of better diets, active support is also given during weight loss. The focus is on support towards a healthier diet. This form of diets is becoming increasingly popular and people generally get good results with it.

Nutrition consultant. If you want to make use of this, pay particular attention to whether the consultant is affiliated with the Professional Association of Weight Consultants in the Netherlands. This is important because virtually everyone can call themselves a food consultant. Connection to the BGN guarantees a certain quality. The consultant can help you work on a healthier diet.

Dietitian. This is a protected title in which a 4-year HBO study serves as the basis for this title. In addition to knowledge about nutrition, the dietitian also has medical knowledge in-house. Furthermore, the services do not differ from those of the nutrition consultant.

Way 3: losing weight through shakes and working on a healthier diet
This way is a combination of way 1 and 2. In addition, make yourself easier by adding shakes as well. Breaking a food pattern suddenly is very difficult. Even if you receive guidance from an expert. By starting with the replacement of snacks through shakes you start at least with weight loss. Often it is the snacks that make you fat. Think of cookies, candy, soft drinks, chips, chocolate and so on.

The advantage is that in the meantime you have the time to analyze your diet. Possibly with some (external) help. You can then make the necessary adjustments and reduce the use of shakes further and further. There is strong scientific evidence that losing weight with shakes can be very effective . Not only in the short but also in the long term.

Start immediately with weight loss without exercise and diet
Do you want to immediately start to become slimmer without going to the gym? Do you not feel like following a complicated diet? Then I can advise you to start with diet shakes.

Choose a shake that suits you. Do not only pay attention to price but also look at the quality of the shake. In this article about comparing shakes and shakes I have listed the most important shakes for you. You can immediately see how a shake scores on the basis of price and quality.

The shakes of Diet Pro are the best in our test. Below you have the possibility to immediately get some shakes in the house.

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