Saturday, 3 November 2018


Losing weight by running can be extremely effective and fun. After all, in addition to a healthy diet (+/- 70%), exercise has an important influence on health and body weight (+/- 30%). It is therefore not surprising that many people (want to) lose weight by running. By walking hard you burn calories which contributes to weight loss. Furthermore, physical exercise contributes to a better metabolism . In addition, running is low-threshold and relatively inexpensive. In this article you will read more about losing weight by running and you will find out that the way you start running affects the weight loss that you realize with it.
Lose weight by running: the theory
I would like to start with a bit of context for this article. Because do you have a different goal than losing weight with running? Think, for example, of training for competitions, increasing sprint speed, increasing stamina? Then other advice applies. You will not find these recommendations in this article. This article is purely about how you can lose weight as effectively as possible by running fast. Now that you know this I will go over to the theory behind losing weight in combination with running.

Diet and exercise are the two buttons you can turn on if you want to lose weight or stay healthy. Various scientific studies have been conducted in which it has been investigated which form of exercise yields the best and fastest result if you want to lose weight. This shows that it is more effective to do interval training with a high intensity instead of training during a longer period with a low intensity called cardio training (running, cycling, etc).

Scientific research on losing weight in relation to running
This is apparent from, among other things, the research by Kordi and Alizadeh from the year 2013. They conducted research among overweight women which form the best result for sports. For 12 weeks the 45 women ate the same things and all received the same amount of calories. All women who performed training trained 5 times a week. A distinction was made between a group of 15 women who trained 3 times a day for 40 minutes and a group that trained for 40 minutes at a low intensity. The other 15 women did not perform training. The results showed that the group that had trained in short sessions had lost more weight than the other 30 women.

Trapp and Chisholm already showed in 2008 that high intensity training was more effective when it comes to weight loss of cardio training with a lower but continuous intensity.

Are you looking for more scientific evidence that high intensity training is more effective than I can do the research "

Why low-intensity cardio is less effective
This conclusion is nice, much more interesting is why interval training is more effective? It appears that cardio training with low intensity stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Your body makes Cortisol to survive in situations that are life-threatening. It makes you alert and stops fat burning.

Cortisol is itself produced by your body and should mainly come from short intensive actions. In this way, the body has access to more energy, an alert memory, a better immune system and you are less susceptible to pain at the crucial moments.

Because the actions are short, your body has enough time to break it down again. Are you exposed to stress for a longer period of time than your body makes too much cortisol and it does not have enough time to break down which results in (belly) fat storage . This also explains why people with a lot of stress do not sleep well, because the hormone makes you alert and stops sleep. In the article on reasons why losing weight does not work you can read more background information.

Running with interval is more effective
If you want to lose weight with running, do this by short but intensive interval training sessions. As explained above, this is more efficient than running at the same rate at the same pace. You are not only faster ready but it also gives you faster results.

An interval training with high intensity is also called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Before you start with HITT it is important that you have a certain basic condition and warm your muscles to prevent injuries. Read more about this in the article about losing weight with sports .

Best method for burning (belly) fat
The research conducted by Mc-Carty MF in 1995 shows that the combination of cardio and strength training helps to burn extra fat. The most efficient way to tackle (stomach) fat is to perform high intensity interval exercises in which you combine cardio with strength training. If you know the Obese program from RTL 4, you can probably suggest something. During the training program you will see the Obese participants constantly busy with weights and cardio training sessions.

Besides the argument that the combination strength and cardio is better if you want to lose weight, I have an important argument to choose for this combination. In these times in which we spend a lot and are active on laptops, mobile phones and tablets, our muscles receive less and less attention. I speak from my own experience that this can have ugly consequences.

For example, I walked around with shoulder complaints for years as a result of a wrong working posture. The solution is to be aware of this and actively train the muscles. Fortunately, you do not have to go to the gym anymore today (may of course :)).

This combination of cardio and strength is elaborated in a unique product called the kettlebell workout. This product is made by the well-known personal trainer Jesse van der Velde. It is a simple workout program that you can follow at home. It delivers extremely good results, takes very little time and is very easy to implement. Here you can find a detailed review of the kettlebell workout from Jesse .

The kettlebell workouts are also easy to combine with running. Make sure that your body gets enough rest.

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