What is a healthy breakfast now , how should I have a healthy breakfast ? We give you an answer to this question.
Healthy breakfast and good start
Many people (recovery: taking) have little time for a healthy breakfast. Nevertheless, there are many things that cost little time and still result in a healthy breakfast.
You will not be surprised but breakfast is seen as the most important meal of the day. You have (hopefully) slept a whole night and therefore your body needs energy to get back on track. Your work and learning performances will visibly increase through breakfast. Nutritionists all agree on this. So far nothing probably new.
What is a good breakfast
Start the day with fiber and protein. Why? Because these regulate your blood sugar and trigger your metabolism. In order to convert the proteins into energy, your body has to work much harder than when you eat carbohydrates. In addition, the proteins saturate, so that you have a hungry feeling less quickly. You can also always take a piece of fruit (or vegetables) with your breakfast. Healthy products to use at your breakfast include (grated) apple, muesli, dried fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, cup of pure tea, cup of black coffee, brown bread or crispbread with peanut butter, boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, smoked meat , lean ham and other low-fat meat products. You can also make a tasty smoothie of fruit and nuts and enjoy it on the way to your work.
For extra proteins you can also do a scoop of protein powder by drinking.
What should you be careful of
It is best to be economical with breakfast cereals such as crunchy muesli that contain. Why? Because they contain a lot of saturated fats. These saturated fats have been added to make the muesli lumpy (you know those big crunchy pieces). Also be careful with cornflakes, which contain little fiber and sugars are often added to consume unnecessary kcal. It is not nutritious. The breakfast cereals specially designed for children are often not nutritious, but are full of sugars to make it attractive. You can teach your child better to eat pure muesli, with a nice piece of fruit. Or give them a nice brown sandwich with peanut butter. In any case, do not make them addicted to sugar, they can continue to suffer from it all their lives. It works addictive.
A good breakfast for children
Now that we are talking about children. Children have more need for vitamin D and calcium. Today's babies are even given vitamin D drops from birth. Knowing this, you can offer children better full or full dairy products so that they get enough vitamin D and calcium.
Breakfast and being slim
Practice shows that people who take the time to have a good breakfast are generally slimmer than those who do not. The cause is that people who do not eat breakfast faster to grab unhealthy snacks motivated by a hunger feeling. Please check with yourself. Skipping a meal means that you compensate for it elsewhere. Dividing food over two meals will cause you to rock blood sugar, you will suddenly get too much energy. The result is more fat storage because your body can not process it all.
A good start of the day therefore starts with a good breakfast!
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