Saturday, 3 November 2018

Four ways to improve your intuition

Intuition is an underestimated source of knowledge that can be of great use. Four exercises to strengthen your intuition.
Practice and use your imagination
Intuition is a matter of recognizing patterns. The more use you make of your imagination, the more patterns you will recognize. You can develop your imagination by gaining new experiences, by doing new things: go to a restaurant where you would otherwise never go, visit a movie that you had not wanted to see, in short, do something different from your own would normally do, find new experiences.

 Learn to listen
Take your sixth sense seriously and learn to listen to what that strange feeling actually means. Take the time for it and try to get clearer of what your intuition wants to tell you through associations or imaginations

Tell stories
You can develop your intuition by using your imagination better, by telling stories. Imagine at the beginning of a new project that it has failed and then think up what could have gone wrong. Or fantasize what it would be like if you were to carry out the project in another time or in another country.

Pronounce suspicions and feelings of uncertainty
People often say: I'm not sure, but I think ... Or: I'm not sure, but I feel like ... Do not break those sentences, but keep going, tell them more about it. Research where your doubts come from, try to find out what experiences and knowledge your suspicions are based on. Tell more!

In what situation can you use your intuition?
• In a simple and structured situation, with a clearly defined procedure, you do not intuitively work. You approach the situation purely rationally. You stop in front of a red traffic light, and you stand in line at the supermarket counter. And in a meeting you wait with your announcement until you reach the relevant agenda item.

• In a more complicated situation, you still rely on your mind, but here knowledge and experience are important: take the situation in which a doctor makes a diagnosis, or in which a consultant gives a financial advice.

• In a situation where much is unknown, you have to rely more on your intuition. With some decisions it is impossible to master all knowledge before you make a decision. You make an assessment, take a risk, you base your intuition on your intuition: that could be a go / no go decision for a new project or a radical change operation.

• In a chaotic situation, your basal response is instinctive. There is no time to consult your mind; often there is also panic, so you must use your intuition directly. Examples of such situations are a car accident, a fire that breaks out, a fight.

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