Intuition is an underestimated source of knowledge that can be of great use. Four exercises to strengthen your intuition.
Practice and use your imagination
Intuition is a matter of recognizing patterns. The more use you make of your imagination, the more patterns you will recognize. You can develop your imagination by gaining new experiences, by doing new things: go to a restaurant where you would otherwise never go, visit a movie that you had not wanted to see, in short, do something different from your own would normally do, find new experiences.
Learn to listen
Take your sixth sense seriously and learn to listen to what that strange feeling actually means. Take the time for it and try to get clearer of what your intuition wants to tell you through associations or imaginations
Tell stories
You can develop your intuition by using your imagination better, by telling stories. Imagine at the beginning of a new project that it has failed and then think up what could have gone wrong. Or fantasize what it would be like if you were to carry out the project in another time or in another country.
Pronounce suspicions and feelings of uncertainty
People often say: I'm not sure, but I think ... Or: I'm not sure, but I feel like ... Do not break those sentences, but keep going, tell them more about it. Research where your doubts come from, try to find out what experiences and knowledge your suspicions are based on. Tell more!
In what situation can you use your intuition?
• In a simple and structured situation, with a clearly defined procedure, you do not intuitively work. You approach the situation purely rationally. You stop in front of a red traffic light, and you stand in line at the supermarket counter. And in a meeting you wait with your announcement until you reach the relevant agenda item.
• In a more complicated situation, you still rely on your mind, but here knowledge and experience are important: take the situation in which a doctor makes a diagnosis, or in which a consultant gives a financial advice.
• In a situation where much is unknown, you have to rely more on your intuition. With some decisions it is impossible to master all knowledge before you make a decision. You make an assessment, take a risk, you base your intuition on your intuition: that could be a go / no go decision for a new project or a radical change operation.
• In a chaotic situation, your basal response is instinctive. There is no time to consult your mind; often there is also panic, so you must use your intuition directly. Examples of such situations are a car accident, a fire that breaks out, a fight.
Saturday, 3 November 2018
Rapid weight loss without diet is possible, easy to realize and responsible.In order to prevent a so-called yo-yo effect, scientists and nutritionists are advised not to lose a lot of weight with, for example, a crash diet or extreme sports. Responsible weight loss means an average weight loss of 1 to 3.5 kilos per week, depending on your current excess weight. This means that you can lose a clothing size within 1.5 weeks. It has been scientifically proven that you achieve the fastest and best results by using protein shakes where it is perfectly possible to stay at the ideal weight for you. In addition to the fact that you will find a lot of information on weight loss, healthy lifestyle habits and products that you can help with this website, you can also order the desired products via the web shops that we have carefully selected.
The benefits of losing weight quickly
You probably do not need to be convinced of the fact that a healthy weight is important. Below are some benefits of being slim:
With a healthy weight you lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. You should not think of becoming ill as a result of your overweight while this is not necessary at all. Furthermore, you will simply feel happier if you have a healthy weight!
You have more energy to do fun things with your children, nephews and nieces for example, or just join in with a sports tournament. What's better now to wake up full of energy every day and start a new day positively without being annoyed by the excess pounds.
You will be given the opportunity to exercise, or you will experience a lot more fun in sports because it is easier for you to go. Sports gives energy, reduces stress, is healthy, gives satisfaction and contributes to building social contacts.
To be able to buy nice clothes which is also nice and have the choice of many different types of clothing is a big advantage of being slim. You no longer have to go to special stores to buy new clothes. Wearing nice clothes gives you more confidence and creates a positive image. Not for nothing does the statement: "make clothes the man".
Getting into relationships
Because you look healthy and fun and therefore feel good about yourself, it is easier to make contact with other people and you are better off to enter into a relationship with someone. Furthermore, there is a good chance that your existing relationship will re-emerge and become exciting again. It is also more common that you receive compliments from other people about your appearance. Especially the people in your immediate environment will perceive the change in your weight which often results in nice compliments.
Financial advantage
Furthermore, a healthy weight gives you a financial advantage, for example taking out life and supplementary health insurance policies. This can quickly save hundreds of euros per year.
You are no longer ashamed of your body and can wear what you like. You can go for a nice swim without feeling constantly upset.
No physical complaints
For example, you suffer from knee and back complaints. If you lose the extra kilos, chances are that many physical complaints will disappear.
Feeling sexy
As a woman you feel sexy again because your buttocks, hips and breasts have regained normal shape. As a man you feel confident again in the neighborhood of and dealings with women.
The benefits of losing weight quickly
You probably do not need to be convinced of the fact that a healthy weight is important. Below are some benefits of being slim:
With a healthy weight you lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. You should not think of becoming ill as a result of your overweight while this is not necessary at all. Furthermore, you will simply feel happier if you have a healthy weight!
You have more energy to do fun things with your children, nephews and nieces for example, or just join in with a sports tournament. What's better now to wake up full of energy every day and start a new day positively without being annoyed by the excess pounds.
You will be given the opportunity to exercise, or you will experience a lot more fun in sports because it is easier for you to go. Sports gives energy, reduces stress, is healthy, gives satisfaction and contributes to building social contacts.
To be able to buy nice clothes which is also nice and have the choice of many different types of clothing is a big advantage of being slim. You no longer have to go to special stores to buy new clothes. Wearing nice clothes gives you more confidence and creates a positive image. Not for nothing does the statement: "make clothes the man".
Getting into relationships
Because you look healthy and fun and therefore feel good about yourself, it is easier to make contact with other people and you are better off to enter into a relationship with someone. Furthermore, there is a good chance that your existing relationship will re-emerge and become exciting again. It is also more common that you receive compliments from other people about your appearance. Especially the people in your immediate environment will perceive the change in your weight which often results in nice compliments.
Financial advantage
Furthermore, a healthy weight gives you a financial advantage, for example taking out life and supplementary health insurance policies. This can quickly save hundreds of euros per year.
You are no longer ashamed of your body and can wear what you like. You can go for a nice swim without feeling constantly upset.
No physical complaints
For example, you suffer from knee and back complaints. If you lose the extra kilos, chances are that many physical complaints will disappear.
Feeling sexy
As a woman you feel sexy again because your buttocks, hips and breasts have regained normal shape. As a man you feel confident again in the neighborhood of and dealings with women.
Super foods are completely hot nowadays. We notice that there is increasing attention for food and especially for healthy food . A good development towards a healthier life for everyone. As editors therefore a good reason to go a bit further on the so-called super foods. Healthy eating is the basis for a healthy weight.
What are super foods?
Super foods is super healthy food which is therefore very beneficial for your health and immune system. It is organic and therefore "pure nature" nutrition. Officially, the super foods must have a beneficial effect, otherwise the term can not be used by the EU. This is because the EU but also the food center is of the opinion that there is no "super food" but that it is precisely variation in the diet. It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and good fats. The super foods are not made industrially but simply matured by the sun (mother earth). That is why super food is also called solar nutrition.
Super foods - species and origin
The term super food is relatively unknown to many people. This is because this form of nutrition mainly comes from abroad.
The super foods consist mainly of plants, fruits and seeds. They are mostly products that have been used since human existence because of their good and healthy effect. For now it's good to come up with some examples of super foods. Below we have listed a number of well-known and popular super foods for you:
The Acai berry is dark blue to purple in color and is especially common in South America and Suriname. The berry grows in large forests on a palm called Acai. The berry tastes like chocolate, nuts and blueberries. It contains many antioxidants and is very conducive to a healthy metabolism. With antioxidants is a collection of substances such as vitamins (C + E), selenium and bio active substances. The substances would (although not scientifically proven) help in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. To give an impression of how many antioxidants it contains, it is good to know that Acai berries contain 60 times as much antioxidants than broccoli.
What are super foods?
Super foods is super healthy food which is therefore very beneficial for your health and immune system. It is organic and therefore "pure nature" nutrition. Officially, the super foods must have a beneficial effect, otherwise the term can not be used by the EU. This is because the EU but also the food center is of the opinion that there is no "super food" but that it is precisely variation in the diet. It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and good fats. The super foods are not made industrially but simply matured by the sun (mother earth). That is why super food is also called solar nutrition.
Super foods - species and origin
The term super food is relatively unknown to many people. This is because this form of nutrition mainly comes from abroad.
The super foods consist mainly of plants, fruits and seeds. They are mostly products that have been used since human existence because of their good and healthy effect. For now it's good to come up with some examples of super foods. Below we have listed a number of well-known and popular super foods for you:
The Acai berry is dark blue to purple in color and is especially common in South America and Suriname. The berry grows in large forests on a palm called Acai. The berry tastes like chocolate, nuts and blueberries. It contains many antioxidants and is very conducive to a healthy metabolism. With antioxidants is a collection of substances such as vitamins (C + E), selenium and bio active substances. The substances would (although not scientifically proven) help in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. To give an impression of how many antioxidants it contains, it is good to know that Acai berries contain 60 times as much antioxidants than broccoli.
Vitamins are healthy. Everyone knows and says it. In practice, we see that very few people know in which products we can find which vitamins. On this page we will elaborate on the different types of vitamins, the function of vitamins and where you can find the vitamins. If you know where you can find the vitamins, it allows you to eat healthier. Healthier eating means fewer calories and a fitter feeling. Less calories also means losing weight!
What are vitamins?
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are substances that play a protective role in your body. It is comparable to oil that must ensure that the engine (smoothly) continues to run. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are fuels for your body. They act as a kind of fuel that a car needs to be able to drive. You can refuel your fuel in your car, if the engine does not work you will not get ahead. The car is sick and needs to be repaired. Vitamins are therefore indispensable for a well-functioning body.
Where can you find the vitamins?
You can find vitamins in pills, but also in healthy food. If you eat healthy you get enough vitamins. You can start from that.
Some vitamin pills that are known for their proper functioning are:
You can order the vitamin pills directly via the order button below. You then order from a reliable with that delivers within 24 hours.
I do not eat completely raw, but have tried regularly delicious dishes. My favorite apple pie is raw. I have read, tried, but not 100% done about it. Maybe it's a good idea to try it once. But what does life according to raw food actually mean? Worth a nice research ...
What is raw food?
Raw food means "raw food". This means food that is pure nature. Food that has not been processed by humans. This means that nothing has been added but also that the food is not cooked, fried, steamed or roasted.
The philosophy of raw food is based on the conviction that uncooked food is better for the body. By cooking food or otherwise processing, many enzymes would be lost. This makes processed food difficult to digest.
People deal very differently with the term raw food. Some people who follow a raw food diet plan limit their consumption of cooked and processed foods to 25% or less.
However, there are raw food movements that go much further. These movements even eliminate meat, fish, dairy and eggs from their diet. It is believed that this diet has no value for the body. In addition, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs would be a source of all kinds of allergies .
Where does the raw food thought come from?
The raw foodies point to the dietary pattern of our ancestors. Some 400,000 years ago, man only invented the fire. Before that, humans only ate food that was not heated. The idea is that man is not originally made to eat food that is heated.
This reasoning is supported by pointing to cultures such as those of the Himalayan Hunza. In this valley people eat a lot of raw food. They follow a diet that mainly consists of unprocessed vegetable food with only a small portion of meat once a week, not boiled milk and a lot of water was drunk. In this valley people are very old. Many people are older than 100 years.
What do people eat with a raw food diet?
A raw food diet includes a variety of nutritious foods:
sprouted beans and grains
raw nuts
non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk (preferably made by yourself)
In short, every raw food meets the raw food diet standard. They often eat organic, because then no pesticides have been used to 'pollute' the food. As mentioned, there are different forms of a raw food diet.
The most commonly used raw food diet form contains only food that is not cooked, fried or roasted. Some raw food diets go even further in this. These do not even contain meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Even though there are quite fish species that you can eat unprocessed. The same applies to eggs and dairy. Meat often needs to be heated before it is edible.
What are the benefits of raw food?
A major risk to public health is the industrial processing of food as we buy it in the supermarket. Especially the fact that a lot of sugars and salt is added is unhealthy. We see this in the growing number of welfare diseases. Just think of the fact that almost 50% of the Dutch are too heavy.
What are the disadvantages of raw food?
The nutrition center in the Netherlands states that it has not been scientifically proven that heating of food would be carcinogenic. Only if you burn food and then eat it will you run health risks. According to the food center, the most important thing is that you eat healthy and varied. In addition, the dietary pattern does not have to consist entirely of raw food. By eating only raw food, the diet can easily become one-sided so that you miss essential nutrients. Think of vitamin B12 that is mainly found in animal products.
Critics of the raw food diet claim that while some good enzymes are destroyed, when food is cooked it is of minor importance. They say that the body produces its own digestive enzymes in response to food intake.
Another claim is that certain nutrients are absorbed more easily by the body when food is cooked. You can not eat beans raw. That can not be processed by your body.
Proponents indicate that obesity does not occur in raw food supporters. The opponents find it logical that obesity does not occur in people who eat raw. The weight loss is fully attributed to the calorie restriction.
Raw food wise or not wise?
In short there are supporters and opponents of eating Raw Food. Personally, I believe that we can eat raw more often. After all, there are tasty options and if you occasionally add a raw meal to your healthy diet, you benefit from the benefits of raw food. How can you teach described yourself about healthy eating on our lose belly page.
That's why I also like to borrow a raw food recipe and enjoy these pure flavors to the fullest. But eating completely raw is going too far. As inspiration for this article, I also once again looked at the documentary on Zapp about the boy who only eats raw. Then I thought again, that is very extreme. Especially for me.
Start with raw food
If you want to start with raw food, you can use the Paleo diet for example. With this Paleo diet you return to the eating habits of our for the elderly. Read the review and decide for yourself if this is something for you to try out?
What is raw food?
Raw food means "raw food". This means food that is pure nature. Food that has not been processed by humans. This means that nothing has been added but also that the food is not cooked, fried, steamed or roasted.
The philosophy of raw food is based on the conviction that uncooked food is better for the body. By cooking food or otherwise processing, many enzymes would be lost. This makes processed food difficult to digest.
People deal very differently with the term raw food. Some people who follow a raw food diet plan limit their consumption of cooked and processed foods to 25% or less.
However, there are raw food movements that go much further. These movements even eliminate meat, fish, dairy and eggs from their diet. It is believed that this diet has no value for the body. In addition, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs would be a source of all kinds of allergies .
Where does the raw food thought come from?
The raw foodies point to the dietary pattern of our ancestors. Some 400,000 years ago, man only invented the fire. Before that, humans only ate food that was not heated. The idea is that man is not originally made to eat food that is heated.
This reasoning is supported by pointing to cultures such as those of the Himalayan Hunza. In this valley people eat a lot of raw food. They follow a diet that mainly consists of unprocessed vegetable food with only a small portion of meat once a week, not boiled milk and a lot of water was drunk. In this valley people are very old. Many people are older than 100 years.
What do people eat with a raw food diet?
A raw food diet includes a variety of nutritious foods:
sprouted beans and grains
raw nuts
non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk (preferably made by yourself)
In short, every raw food meets the raw food diet standard. They often eat organic, because then no pesticides have been used to 'pollute' the food. As mentioned, there are different forms of a raw food diet.
The most commonly used raw food diet form contains only food that is not cooked, fried or roasted. Some raw food diets go even further in this. These do not even contain meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Even though there are quite fish species that you can eat unprocessed. The same applies to eggs and dairy. Meat often needs to be heated before it is edible.
What are the benefits of raw food?
A major risk to public health is the industrial processing of food as we buy it in the supermarket. Especially the fact that a lot of sugars and salt is added is unhealthy. We see this in the growing number of welfare diseases. Just think of the fact that almost 50% of the Dutch are too heavy.
What are the disadvantages of raw food?
The nutrition center in the Netherlands states that it has not been scientifically proven that heating of food would be carcinogenic. Only if you burn food and then eat it will you run health risks. According to the food center, the most important thing is that you eat healthy and varied. In addition, the dietary pattern does not have to consist entirely of raw food. By eating only raw food, the diet can easily become one-sided so that you miss essential nutrients. Think of vitamin B12 that is mainly found in animal products.
Critics of the raw food diet claim that while some good enzymes are destroyed, when food is cooked it is of minor importance. They say that the body produces its own digestive enzymes in response to food intake.
Another claim is that certain nutrients are absorbed more easily by the body when food is cooked. You can not eat beans raw. That can not be processed by your body.
Proponents indicate that obesity does not occur in raw food supporters. The opponents find it logical that obesity does not occur in people who eat raw. The weight loss is fully attributed to the calorie restriction.
Raw food wise or not wise?
In short there are supporters and opponents of eating Raw Food. Personally, I believe that we can eat raw more often. After all, there are tasty options and if you occasionally add a raw meal to your healthy diet, you benefit from the benefits of raw food. How can you teach described yourself about healthy eating on our lose belly page.
That's why I also like to borrow a raw food recipe and enjoy these pure flavors to the fullest. But eating completely raw is going too far. As inspiration for this article, I also once again looked at the documentary on Zapp about the boy who only eats raw. Then I thought again, that is very extreme. Especially for me.
Start with raw food
If you want to start with raw food, you can use the Paleo diet for example. With this Paleo diet you return to the eating habits of our for the elderly. Read the review and decide for yourself if this is something for you to try out?
Carbohydrates are a very important energy source for your body. Someone who eats healthy gets between 40 and 70% of his or her energy from carbohydrates. The term "carbohydrate" refers to a combination of carbon and water (so-called hydrates). The term carbohydrate comes from the Greek language. Carbohydrates are also regularly called sugars. Do you want to lose weight, eat healthy or just some background information. On this page you will find a lot of relevant information about carbohydrates.
The function of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates supply energy to your body. Without energy we can not think or move, so everybody needs them. Especially your brain and red blood cells need carbohydrates every day. Everyone knows that brains are crucial for living. The red blood cells are also crucial, because they ensure that all tissues in your body are supplied with oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs.
In addition to energy, the carbohydrates ensure that your body can store fats. In general, it is assumed that it is healthy when your body gets around 20-40% of its energy from fats.
Fat and proteins are also an important source of energy. If you want to lose weight quickly, then some knowledge of these energy sources is desirable.
Besides being a source of energy, carbohydrates are also important nutrients because they provide your body with fibers, vitamins and minerals. Too many carbohydrates can mean that your body gets too little protein and fat.
Too little carbohydrate
If you consume too few carbohydrates there is a risk that you are consuming too little fiber, vitamins and minerals. This is bad for your health. For example, vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy growth and skin, for healthy teeth, good working heart and blood vessels, to prevent illness etc.etc.
Too little can also mean that you are losing muscle mass. Your body will then search for another energy source that it finds in proteins (and fats). Proteins are very important for building and maintaining muscle mass. If your body has to deal too much with this, this will be at the expense of your muscle mass.
A good balance is therefore important. In general, it is recommended to consume about 5 to 7 grams per kilogram of body weight every day.
Good and bad carbohydrates
If you want to lose weight this means that you can eat the multiple or the slow carbohydrates. But what does this mean for your food. Good carbohydrates can be found in high-fiber foods:
whole-wheat products
Rye bread
kidney beans
frog peas
leafy vegetable
semi-skimmed milk
The bad carbs are in:
White bread
potatoes, potato puree
dried fruit
corn flakes
rice cracker
Products with good and bad carbohydrates:
potato chips
fizzy drink
For people who are interested in the underlying idea of good and bad carbohydrates, a piece of theory follows.
Types of carbohydrates
In order to determine which carbohydrates you need and which you can consume less, it is necessary to have insight into the different types. They can be divided into three different ways:
Well digestible - not digestible
The energy from carbohydrates is absorbed into the body through your small intestine. This happens because your small intestine digests them, thereby giving glucose to your body. Glucose is also called sugar. The carbohydrates that your body can convert into glucose are called the digestible carbohydrates.
The non-digestible are broken down by the bacteria in your colon but not absorbed in your body. These therefore do not constitute a source of energy; hence the indication "not digestible" and counted among the dietary fibers.
Single and multiple
Carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules. On the basis of the amount of sugar molecules, the carbohydrates can be divided into single or multiple. The most important examples of simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides) are grape and fruit sugar and galactose (milk products). The sugars mentioned are very common in fruit and honey. Galactose is common in dairy products.
The most important examples of multiple carbohydrates are starch, animal products, beet and cane sugar and milk and malt sugar.
From chemistry the following practical classification can be made:
Simple carbohydrates. These consist of 1 molecule. Think of grape and fruit sugar.
Twofold carbohydrates. These consist of 2 molecules. Think of sugar from the store and milk sugar.
Multiple carbohydrates. These consist of more than 2 molecules. A good example is starch.
The ankle and two-fold carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into your blood and provide immediate energy for your body. They are therefore also called fast sugars. Multiple are absorbed much more slowly by your body and result in a less rapid increase of sugar in your bloodstream. The multiple carbohydrates are therefore often called slow sugars.
Fast and slow carbohydrates
With fast carbohydrates the ankle and twofold are meant. With the slow carbohydrates the multiple are meant.
The disc of five, we've all heard about it. Rarely do people know what the disc of five is exactly and why it is so important to stick to it. People who want to live healthier often suffer from overweight. There are many good websites that give people practical tips for quick and healthy weight loss, possibly in combination with a diet or life style change. The better sites such as also state that losing weight will only be permanent if you also eat healthier. This will be done on this website also always commented that effects are only permanent if you eat healthy. In this article you will read how you can eat healthier so that weight loss is not for nothing. This article is a summary, if you want more details then you can read our floor about healthy nutrition. For this we have set up a special blog section.
What is the disk of five?
The disc of five consists of the following 5 discs from which you have to eat a certain amount every day in order to get the necessary nutrients:
Disc 1. Vegetable and fruit
By eating enough vegetables and fruit, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced. This is also good for your blood pressure and they contain relatively few calories. Furthermore, vegetables and fruit provide a feeling of satisfaction because the products often contain a relatively large amount of fiber. They also contain many vitamins .
Disc 2. Bread, potatoes, rice and pasta
The 2 nd drive provides you with important nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins. Important for the energy balance and bowel movements. Also important because these products give you a feeling of satisfaction. Less hunger means less risk of dangerous snack behavior.
Disc 3. Dairy, meat and fish (or substitutes)
This disk is an important supplier of proteins. The proteins are important because they act as a building material for your body. These products are also good for bone formation and prevent anemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Disc 4. Greases and oil
With fats and oil we mean those products with which we spread our bread and prepare our food (butter, low-fat margarine and wok oil). In addition to vitamins, these products contain fatty acids that are essential because our body can not produce them themselves. For the fats, you should eat as little saturated fat as possible, instead opt for liquid.
Disc 5. Water
Water and other drinks such as coffee, tea and fruit drinks are necessary for a good moisture balance. We lose moisture every day, which we have to replenish so that our body can transport nutrients in our body and can dispose of waste. Furthermore, moisture is important for your body temperature.
How much do I have to eat from the different disks?
Starting from a 30 year old woman you should eat the following:
2 pieces of fruit (200 gr) and 4 serving spoons of vegetables (200 gr)
4 serving spoons of rice or potatoes (200gr) 6 slices of bread (210gr)
1.5 slices of cheese (30 g), 450 ml of milk products, 125 g of meat, fish eggs or substitutes
1 tablespoon of oil or fry and roasts, further 30 g of low-fat margarine (5 g per slice of bread) `
1.5 to 2 liters of water.
Men usually need something more. Variation in your diet is very important. Do not always eat the same fruit but try to vary.
The disk of four
On this website we also sometimes talk about the disk of four. For example in the article about the diet . The only difference is that the disk of five 'water' typifies as a separate disk.
What is the disk of five?
The disc of five consists of the following 5 discs from which you have to eat a certain amount every day in order to get the necessary nutrients:
Disc 1. Vegetable and fruit
By eating enough vegetables and fruit, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced. This is also good for your blood pressure and they contain relatively few calories. Furthermore, vegetables and fruit provide a feeling of satisfaction because the products often contain a relatively large amount of fiber. They also contain many vitamins .
Disc 2. Bread, potatoes, rice and pasta
The 2 nd drive provides you with important nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins. Important for the energy balance and bowel movements. Also important because these products give you a feeling of satisfaction. Less hunger means less risk of dangerous snack behavior.
Disc 3. Dairy, meat and fish (or substitutes)
This disk is an important supplier of proteins. The proteins are important because they act as a building material for your body. These products are also good for bone formation and prevent anemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Disc 4. Greases and oil
With fats and oil we mean those products with which we spread our bread and prepare our food (butter, low-fat margarine and wok oil). In addition to vitamins, these products contain fatty acids that are essential because our body can not produce them themselves. For the fats, you should eat as little saturated fat as possible, instead opt for liquid.
Disc 5. Water
Water and other drinks such as coffee, tea and fruit drinks are necessary for a good moisture balance. We lose moisture every day, which we have to replenish so that our body can transport nutrients in our body and can dispose of waste. Furthermore, moisture is important for your body temperature.
How much do I have to eat from the different disks?
Starting from a 30 year old woman you should eat the following:
2 pieces of fruit (200 gr) and 4 serving spoons of vegetables (200 gr)
4 serving spoons of rice or potatoes (200gr) 6 slices of bread (210gr)
1.5 slices of cheese (30 g), 450 ml of milk products, 125 g of meat, fish eggs or substitutes
1 tablespoon of oil or fry and roasts, further 30 g of low-fat margarine (5 g per slice of bread) `
1.5 to 2 liters of water.
Men usually need something more. Variation in your diet is very important. Do not always eat the same fruit but try to vary.
The disk of four
On this website we also sometimes talk about the disk of four. For example in the article about the diet . The only difference is that the disk of five 'water' typifies as a separate disk.
How does our metabolism work? A very relevant question. We all want to look beautiful and radiant. Beauty is becoming increasingly important in our lives. You can look good only if you feel fit and healthy. An important basis for this is a well-functioning metabolism. Nowadays we read more and more about how you could influence the metabolism. Many people lack the basic knowledge about how our metabolism actually works. If you do not have this knowledge at home, there is a risk that you turn the wrong buttons, so that you see little or no result of your effort. The products treated on this helping you lose weight, but you can give your metabolism a little extra attention when you lose weight. Besides knowledge of your metabolism, there are of course many more tips to lose weight. Read this article and know exactly what you could do to improve your metabolism.
What is the metabolism?
We can divide our metabolism into three different parts.
Part 1: Rust metabolism (Basal Metabolism)
The so-called resting metabolism provides the energy for your body to properly fulfill the basic body functions. Think of breathing, sleeping but also of all processes in the body such as the beating of your heart, blood circulation, brain activity, etc. You read it right when I say that about 60 to 70% of your energy is used for the resting metabolism .
The general rule is that the more muscle mass the higher the resting metabolism. People have the same resting metabolism (at the same muscle mass and age) per body weight. So muscle mass makes the difference!
There is, however, a difference between women and men. Women have more body fat compared to muscle mass compared to men. Therefore, the metabolism in women is 5 - 10% lower than in men (same age and weight).
What you should know is that after your 30 e age each year decreases the resting metabolic rate by about 3% every 10 years. Why? Well very simple: because the muscle mass decreases.
In addition to weight, there are also factors that influence the resting metabolism but that you can not influence yourself:
Part 2:
A very small part of our metabolism (10%) is used to digest the diet we take and turn it into energy. So here you can do very little if you want to improve the metabolism.
The form of metabolism is often linked to the three macro nutrients. In this way we know the metabolism aimed at the breakdown / digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Part 3: Physical activity
This part of our metabolism is known to most people. The more we move the more energy we need, the harder our metabolism needs to be.
Depending on the amount of resting metabolism and thermogen, physical activity will determine about 30% of our metabolism. This is indeed a factor that plays a role and we can influence! But here again, when we get older, the physical activity usually diminishes so that we consume less energy.
Tips for a better metabolism
Now that we know how our metabolism works and which components we can distinguish, I can give you the tips below. You will probably now also see why these can contribute to a better metabolism. The result of a better metabolism is a healthier weight and a nicer, healthier appearance. That is what we do for it.
Tip 1 Increase your muscle mass
With the tip the most important tip to improve the metabolism. After all, 60 - 70% of the energy consumption is determined by the resting metabolism. To increase this, more muscle mass is needed. When you get older, try to keep your muscle mass up to a level so that you do not reverse your resting metabolism.
But even if you are young, it can help tremendously with fat burning to build up some muscles. Muscle mass can be built up by exercising regularly and / or doing specific (light) strength training.
One of the best ways to quickly build muscle mass is to perform workouts .
Tip 2 Move more
Move more. As we move more, we increase physical activity as part of our metabolism. In fact, every form of movement is good, only one is more effective than the other. Try to move alternately (cycling, walking, running, ball sports, fitness etc.) and develop a healthy eating schedule .
Tip 3 Combine cardio and strength training
Exchange cardio workouts with strength training sessions. Both forms have specific advantages and by combining them you provide a powerful tool to tackle the excess kilos so that you quickly lose weight.
For now it goes too far to deepen the 3 tips. I will come back to this in another article.
Tip 4 Drink more water
In addition to these 3 tips you can do even more for a better metabolism. By drinking more water, you ensure that the organs function better. These organs are therefore better able to digest food well.
Tip 5 Spread of meals
It is also recommended to consume meals throughout the day ( see also this article ). With that, our body is continuously engaged in digesting food and you prevent valleys and peaks.
Metabolism in relation to a crash diet
By following a crash diet , the metabolism is delayed. The body receives far too little energy, so the resting metabolism goes down. If you start eating more food, a so-called yo-yo effect is created.
What is the metabolism?
We can divide our metabolism into three different parts.
Part 1: Rust metabolism (Basal Metabolism)
The so-called resting metabolism provides the energy for your body to properly fulfill the basic body functions. Think of breathing, sleeping but also of all processes in the body such as the beating of your heart, blood circulation, brain activity, etc. You read it right when I say that about 60 to 70% of your energy is used for the resting metabolism .
The general rule is that the more muscle mass the higher the resting metabolism. People have the same resting metabolism (at the same muscle mass and age) per body weight. So muscle mass makes the difference!
There is, however, a difference between women and men. Women have more body fat compared to muscle mass compared to men. Therefore, the metabolism in women is 5 - 10% lower than in men (same age and weight).
What you should know is that after your 30 e age each year decreases the resting metabolic rate by about 3% every 10 years. Why? Well very simple: because the muscle mass decreases.
In addition to weight, there are also factors that influence the resting metabolism but that you can not influence yourself:
Part 2:
A very small part of our metabolism (10%) is used to digest the diet we take and turn it into energy. So here you can do very little if you want to improve the metabolism.
The form of metabolism is often linked to the three macro nutrients. In this way we know the metabolism aimed at the breakdown / digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Part 3: Physical activity
This part of our metabolism is known to most people. The more we move the more energy we need, the harder our metabolism needs to be.
Depending on the amount of resting metabolism and thermogen, physical activity will determine about 30% of our metabolism. This is indeed a factor that plays a role and we can influence! But here again, when we get older, the physical activity usually diminishes so that we consume less energy.
Tips for a better metabolism
Now that we know how our metabolism works and which components we can distinguish, I can give you the tips below. You will probably now also see why these can contribute to a better metabolism. The result of a better metabolism is a healthier weight and a nicer, healthier appearance. That is what we do for it.
Tip 1 Increase your muscle mass
With the tip the most important tip to improve the metabolism. After all, 60 - 70% of the energy consumption is determined by the resting metabolism. To increase this, more muscle mass is needed. When you get older, try to keep your muscle mass up to a level so that you do not reverse your resting metabolism.
But even if you are young, it can help tremendously with fat burning to build up some muscles. Muscle mass can be built up by exercising regularly and / or doing specific (light) strength training.
One of the best ways to quickly build muscle mass is to perform workouts .
Tip 2 Move more
Move more. As we move more, we increase physical activity as part of our metabolism. In fact, every form of movement is good, only one is more effective than the other. Try to move alternately (cycling, walking, running, ball sports, fitness etc.) and develop a healthy eating schedule .
Tip 3 Combine cardio and strength training
Exchange cardio workouts with strength training sessions. Both forms have specific advantages and by combining them you provide a powerful tool to tackle the excess kilos so that you quickly lose weight.
For now it goes too far to deepen the 3 tips. I will come back to this in another article.
Tip 4 Drink more water
In addition to these 3 tips you can do even more for a better metabolism. By drinking more water, you ensure that the organs function better. These organs are therefore better able to digest food well.
Tip 5 Spread of meals
It is also recommended to consume meals throughout the day ( see also this article ). With that, our body is continuously engaged in digesting food and you prevent valleys and peaks.
Metabolism in relation to a crash diet
By following a crash diet , the metabolism is delayed. The body receives far too little energy, so the resting metabolism goes down. If you start eating more food, a so-called yo-yo effect is created.
What is a healthy breakfast now , how should I have a healthy breakfast ? We give you an answer to this question.
Healthy breakfast and good start
Many people (recovery: taking) have little time for a healthy breakfast. Nevertheless, there are many things that cost little time and still result in a healthy breakfast.
You will not be surprised but breakfast is seen as the most important meal of the day. You have (hopefully) slept a whole night and therefore your body needs energy to get back on track. Your work and learning performances will visibly increase through breakfast. Nutritionists all agree on this. So far nothing probably new.
What is a good breakfast
Start the day with fiber and protein. Why? Because these regulate your blood sugar and trigger your metabolism. In order to convert the proteins into energy, your body has to work much harder than when you eat carbohydrates. In addition, the proteins saturate, so that you have a hungry feeling less quickly. You can also always take a piece of fruit (or vegetables) with your breakfast. Healthy products to use at your breakfast include (grated) apple, muesli, dried fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, cup of pure tea, cup of black coffee, brown bread or crispbread with peanut butter, boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, smoked meat , lean ham and other low-fat meat products. You can also make a tasty smoothie of fruit and nuts and enjoy it on the way to your work.
For extra proteins you can also do a scoop of protein powder by drinking.
What should you be careful of
It is best to be economical with breakfast cereals such as crunchy muesli that contain. Why? Because they contain a lot of saturated fats. These saturated fats have been added to make the muesli lumpy (you know those big crunchy pieces). Also be careful with cornflakes, which contain little fiber and sugars are often added to consume unnecessary kcal. It is not nutritious. The breakfast cereals specially designed for children are often not nutritious, but are full of sugars to make it attractive. You can teach your child better to eat pure muesli, with a nice piece of fruit. Or give them a nice brown sandwich with peanut butter. In any case, do not make them addicted to sugar, they can continue to suffer from it all their lives. It works addictive.
A good breakfast for children
Now that we are talking about children. Children have more need for vitamin D and calcium. Today's babies are even given vitamin D drops from birth. Knowing this, you can offer children better full or full dairy products so that they get enough vitamin D and calcium.
Breakfast and being slim
Practice shows that people who take the time to have a good breakfast are generally slimmer than those who do not. The cause is that people who do not eat breakfast faster to grab unhealthy snacks motivated by a hunger feeling. Please check with yourself. Skipping a meal means that you compensate for it elsewhere. Dividing food over two meals will cause you to rock blood sugar, you will suddenly get too much energy. The result is more fat storage because your body can not process it all.
A good start of the day therefore starts with a good breakfast!
Healthy breakfast and good start
Many people (recovery: taking) have little time for a healthy breakfast. Nevertheless, there are many things that cost little time and still result in a healthy breakfast.
You will not be surprised but breakfast is seen as the most important meal of the day. You have (hopefully) slept a whole night and therefore your body needs energy to get back on track. Your work and learning performances will visibly increase through breakfast. Nutritionists all agree on this. So far nothing probably new.
What is a good breakfast
Start the day with fiber and protein. Why? Because these regulate your blood sugar and trigger your metabolism. In order to convert the proteins into energy, your body has to work much harder than when you eat carbohydrates. In addition, the proteins saturate, so that you have a hungry feeling less quickly. You can also always take a piece of fruit (or vegetables) with your breakfast. Healthy products to use at your breakfast include (grated) apple, muesli, dried fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, cup of pure tea, cup of black coffee, brown bread or crispbread with peanut butter, boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, smoked meat , lean ham and other low-fat meat products. You can also make a tasty smoothie of fruit and nuts and enjoy it on the way to your work.
For extra proteins you can also do a scoop of protein powder by drinking.
What should you be careful of
It is best to be economical with breakfast cereals such as crunchy muesli that contain. Why? Because they contain a lot of saturated fats. These saturated fats have been added to make the muesli lumpy (you know those big crunchy pieces). Also be careful with cornflakes, which contain little fiber and sugars are often added to consume unnecessary kcal. It is not nutritious. The breakfast cereals specially designed for children are often not nutritious, but are full of sugars to make it attractive. You can teach your child better to eat pure muesli, with a nice piece of fruit. Or give them a nice brown sandwich with peanut butter. In any case, do not make them addicted to sugar, they can continue to suffer from it all their lives. It works addictive.
A good breakfast for children
Now that we are talking about children. Children have more need for vitamin D and calcium. Today's babies are even given vitamin D drops from birth. Knowing this, you can offer children better full or full dairy products so that they get enough vitamin D and calcium.
Breakfast and being slim
Practice shows that people who take the time to have a good breakfast are generally slimmer than those who do not. The cause is that people who do not eat breakfast faster to grab unhealthy snacks motivated by a hunger feeling. Please check with yourself. Skipping a meal means that you compensate for it elsewhere. Dividing food over two meals will cause you to rock blood sugar, you will suddenly get too much energy. The result is more fat storage because your body can not process it all.
A good start of the day therefore starts with a good breakfast!
Whether you are an evening or just a morning person will vary from person to person. This is determined by your personal biological clock. This mechanism affects the daily rhythm and functioning of your body. Assuming that you are mainly active during the day, your biological clock will ensure that you are alert and sharp during the day. In the evening and night, this mechanism ensures that you can relax more easily and recharge for the next active day.
The biological clock is located in your brain and is fed with information from your eyes. Especially changes in light and darkness are important impulses. For example, if your eyes register sun or artificial light, your body will slow down the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) and in the darkness the production is allowed. The biological clock then ensures that everything within your body is attuned to each other. Your blood pressure, hormones, digestion, body temperature and attention level are / are dependent on your biological clock. It is therefore very important to live regularly to respect the natural biological rhythm as much as possible. The natural biological rhythm means that you are active during the day and sleep at night. If you disrupt the biological clock by living irregularly, the biological processes within your body are out of step and are no longer properly coordinated. The result may be that you create obesity because, for example, the digestive system is disrupted. Furthermore, you can get tired and feel lethargic.
Optimizing the biological clock
Good sleep is therefore important to be able to start fresh and full of energy on a new day. For a good night's rest, it is also important that your processes in the body function properly in addition to being on time. As said before, these biological processes work much differently at night than during the day because the body has different needs. In order to optimize the biological processes in your body, it is recommended to use additional nutritional supplements in addition to regular living. This can also help you with fast weight loss .
A good example of this is Multi Day & Night. This product provides you with nutrients during the day from which your body gets energy, making you alert, sharp and fit during the day. The product provides you with nutrients for the evening and night that promote peace, good sleep and the development of nerve- and brain cells. With this product you really notice the difference between day and night. You can order Multi Day & Night using the banner on the right side of this page.
The biological clock is located in your brain and is fed with information from your eyes. Especially changes in light and darkness are important impulses. For example, if your eyes register sun or artificial light, your body will slow down the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) and in the darkness the production is allowed. The biological clock then ensures that everything within your body is attuned to each other. Your blood pressure, hormones, digestion, body temperature and attention level are / are dependent on your biological clock. It is therefore very important to live regularly to respect the natural biological rhythm as much as possible. The natural biological rhythm means that you are active during the day and sleep at night. If you disrupt the biological clock by living irregularly, the biological processes within your body are out of step and are no longer properly coordinated. The result may be that you create obesity because, for example, the digestive system is disrupted. Furthermore, you can get tired and feel lethargic.
Optimizing the biological clock
Good sleep is therefore important to be able to start fresh and full of energy on a new day. For a good night's rest, it is also important that your processes in the body function properly in addition to being on time. As said before, these biological processes work much differently at night than during the day because the body has different needs. In order to optimize the biological processes in your body, it is recommended to use additional nutritional supplements in addition to regular living. This can also help you with fast weight loss .
A good example of this is Multi Day & Night. This product provides you with nutrients during the day from which your body gets energy, making you alert, sharp and fit during the day. The product provides you with nutrients for the evening and night that promote peace, good sleep and the development of nerve- and brain cells. With this product you really notice the difference between day and night. You can order Multi Day & Night using the banner on the right side of this page.
Lose weight without exercise and diet sounds very tempting for many people. But is it also possible to become slimmer without exercising? And if it is possible how can you lose weight without exercising or dying? In this article I give an honest answer to the most important questions about losing weight in combination with sport.
Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
The answer to this question is yes . The most important means to be slim is healthy food. Nutrition roughly determines 70% of your body weight. The remaining 30% is determined by physical exercise. Which food is healthy to eat if you want to lose weight you can read in the article about where I go in on the question: how do I lose belly fat ?
It is therefore true that sports provides extra fast results. It certainly makes it clear which form of exercise / sport you use to lose weight.
In the article about losing weight with sports you can read exactly which form of exercise is most effective. This shows that the so-called HIIT training courses are the most effective. But that will not annoy you as you do not want to exercise but want to lose weight :).
Lose weight without exercising how do I do that?
It is possible to lose weight without exercising. Eating healthy is a concept that you hear very often these days.
Everyone understands something else and often it is difficult to adjust your eating habits in practice. Change of behavior often fails on its own. That is why there are so many weight loss attempts. You go to work with a diet and the kilos fly off.
Ultimately, everyone is about to get rid of the kilos less quickly or even come back again. At this point many people are hooking up and the slimming attempt fails. Recognizable?
If you want to lose weight without exercising, there are several ways to achieve this.
Way 1: losing weight without exercising on your own
Losing weight without exercising and doing this entirely on your own is certainly possible. My opinion is that the starting point should lie in the (h) recognition of own eating behavior. Becoming aware of your own eating behavior can be quite simple and does not have to take much time. Register for a few days to a week what you eat and drink. Nowadays there are useful apps available to support this process. A scrap sheet or annotation in your phone is still working fine.
Based on the registration you can easily see where the pain points are. Which food now ensures that you get too many calories.
Often these are carbohydrate-rich products such as soft drinks, crisps, biscuits, sweets, snacks, loose sugar, syrup, ice cream, pastries, pasta, processed meats (frankfurters, hamburgers, luncheon meat), canned soup, sweet bread sandwich.
Then find out which replacement products you can use for the carbohydrate-rich products. You will see that this is fairly simple and the amount of calories can drastically decrease.
A guideline for the amount of calories you can consume per day can be found on the homepage .
Then you actually replace the high-calorie products with healthier products. You will notice that especially in the beginning a lot of weight loss will occur. Recognize for yourself the point at which attention is loosening and you are about to fall back into old habits. Techniques are available for this, which I will describe at a later date.
Way 2: lose weight without sport with expert support
A second way to realize an effective change is with expert guidance. Choosing a diet that offers guidance increases the chance of success.
Diet with guidance. In the case of better diets, active support is also given during weight loss. The focus is on support towards a healthier diet. This form of diets is becoming increasingly popular and people generally get good results with it.
Nutrition consultant. If you want to make use of this, pay particular attention to whether the consultant is affiliated with the Professional Association of Weight Consultants in the Netherlands. This is important because virtually everyone can call themselves a food consultant. Connection to the BGN guarantees a certain quality. The consultant can help you work on a healthier diet.
Dietitian. This is a protected title in which a 4-year HBO study serves as the basis for this title. In addition to knowledge about nutrition, the dietitian also has medical knowledge in-house. Furthermore, the services do not differ from those of the nutrition consultant.
Way 3: losing weight through shakes and working on a healthier diet
This way is a combination of way 1 and 2. In addition, make yourself easier by adding shakes as well. Breaking a food pattern suddenly is very difficult. Even if you receive guidance from an expert. By starting with the replacement of snacks through shakes you start at least with weight loss. Often it is the snacks that make you fat. Think of cookies, candy, soft drinks, chips, chocolate and so on.
The advantage is that in the meantime you have the time to analyze your diet. Possibly with some (external) help. You can then make the necessary adjustments and reduce the use of shakes further and further. There is strong scientific evidence that losing weight with shakes can be very effective . Not only in the short but also in the long term.
Start immediately with weight loss without exercise and diet
Do you want to immediately start to become slimmer without going to the gym? Do you not feel like following a complicated diet? Then I can advise you to start with diet shakes.
Choose a shake that suits you. Do not only pay attention to price but also look at the quality of the shake. In this article about comparing shakes and shakes I have listed the most important shakes for you. You can immediately see how a shake scores on the basis of price and quality.
The shakes of Diet Pro are the best in our test. Below you have the possibility to immediately get some shakes in the house.
Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
The answer to this question is yes . The most important means to be slim is healthy food. Nutrition roughly determines 70% of your body weight. The remaining 30% is determined by physical exercise. Which food is healthy to eat if you want to lose weight you can read in the article about where I go in on the question: how do I lose belly fat ?
It is therefore true that sports provides extra fast results. It certainly makes it clear which form of exercise / sport you use to lose weight.
In the article about losing weight with sports you can read exactly which form of exercise is most effective. This shows that the so-called HIIT training courses are the most effective. But that will not annoy you as you do not want to exercise but want to lose weight :).
Lose weight without exercising how do I do that?
It is possible to lose weight without exercising. Eating healthy is a concept that you hear very often these days.
Everyone understands something else and often it is difficult to adjust your eating habits in practice. Change of behavior often fails on its own. That is why there are so many weight loss attempts. You go to work with a diet and the kilos fly off.
Ultimately, everyone is about to get rid of the kilos less quickly or even come back again. At this point many people are hooking up and the slimming attempt fails. Recognizable?
If you want to lose weight without exercising, there are several ways to achieve this.
Way 1: losing weight without exercising on your own
Losing weight without exercising and doing this entirely on your own is certainly possible. My opinion is that the starting point should lie in the (h) recognition of own eating behavior. Becoming aware of your own eating behavior can be quite simple and does not have to take much time. Register for a few days to a week what you eat and drink. Nowadays there are useful apps available to support this process. A scrap sheet or annotation in your phone is still working fine.
Based on the registration you can easily see where the pain points are. Which food now ensures that you get too many calories.
Often these are carbohydrate-rich products such as soft drinks, crisps, biscuits, sweets, snacks, loose sugar, syrup, ice cream, pastries, pasta, processed meats (frankfurters, hamburgers, luncheon meat), canned soup, sweet bread sandwich.
Then find out which replacement products you can use for the carbohydrate-rich products. You will see that this is fairly simple and the amount of calories can drastically decrease.
A guideline for the amount of calories you can consume per day can be found on the homepage .
Then you actually replace the high-calorie products with healthier products. You will notice that especially in the beginning a lot of weight loss will occur. Recognize for yourself the point at which attention is loosening and you are about to fall back into old habits. Techniques are available for this, which I will describe at a later date.
Way 2: lose weight without sport with expert support
A second way to realize an effective change is with expert guidance. Choosing a diet that offers guidance increases the chance of success.
Diet with guidance. In the case of better diets, active support is also given during weight loss. The focus is on support towards a healthier diet. This form of diets is becoming increasingly popular and people generally get good results with it.
Nutrition consultant. If you want to make use of this, pay particular attention to whether the consultant is affiliated with the Professional Association of Weight Consultants in the Netherlands. This is important because virtually everyone can call themselves a food consultant. Connection to the BGN guarantees a certain quality. The consultant can help you work on a healthier diet.
Dietitian. This is a protected title in which a 4-year HBO study serves as the basis for this title. In addition to knowledge about nutrition, the dietitian also has medical knowledge in-house. Furthermore, the services do not differ from those of the nutrition consultant.
Way 3: losing weight through shakes and working on a healthier diet
This way is a combination of way 1 and 2. In addition, make yourself easier by adding shakes as well. Breaking a food pattern suddenly is very difficult. Even if you receive guidance from an expert. By starting with the replacement of snacks through shakes you start at least with weight loss. Often it is the snacks that make you fat. Think of cookies, candy, soft drinks, chips, chocolate and so on.
The advantage is that in the meantime you have the time to analyze your diet. Possibly with some (external) help. You can then make the necessary adjustments and reduce the use of shakes further and further. There is strong scientific evidence that losing weight with shakes can be very effective . Not only in the short but also in the long term.
Start immediately with weight loss without exercise and diet
Do you want to immediately start to become slimmer without going to the gym? Do you not feel like following a complicated diet? Then I can advise you to start with diet shakes.
Choose a shake that suits you. Do not only pay attention to price but also look at the quality of the shake. In this article about comparing shakes and shakes I have listed the most important shakes for you. You can immediately see how a shake scores on the basis of price and quality.
The shakes of Diet Pro are the best in our test. Below you have the possibility to immediately get some shakes in the house.
Losing weight by running can be extremely effective and fun. After all, in addition to a healthy diet (+/- 70%), exercise has an important influence on health and body weight (+/- 30%). It is therefore not surprising that many people (want to) lose weight by running. By walking hard you burn calories which contributes to weight loss. Furthermore, physical exercise contributes to a better metabolism . In addition, running is low-threshold and relatively inexpensive. In this article you will read more about losing weight by running and you will find out that the way you start running affects the weight loss that you realize with it.
Lose weight by running: the theory
I would like to start with a bit of context for this article. Because do you have a different goal than losing weight with running? Think, for example, of training for competitions, increasing sprint speed, increasing stamina? Then other advice applies. You will not find these recommendations in this article. This article is purely about how you can lose weight as effectively as possible by running fast. Now that you know this I will go over to the theory behind losing weight in combination with running.
Diet and exercise are the two buttons you can turn on if you want to lose weight or stay healthy. Various scientific studies have been conducted in which it has been investigated which form of exercise yields the best and fastest result if you want to lose weight. This shows that it is more effective to do interval training with a high intensity instead of training during a longer period with a low intensity called cardio training (running, cycling, etc).
Scientific research on losing weight in relation to running
This is apparent from, among other things, the research by Kordi and Alizadeh from the year 2013. They conducted research among overweight women which form the best result for sports. For 12 weeks the 45 women ate the same things and all received the same amount of calories. All women who performed training trained 5 times a week. A distinction was made between a group of 15 women who trained 3 times a day for 40 minutes and a group that trained for 40 minutes at a low intensity. The other 15 women did not perform training. The results showed that the group that had trained in short sessions had lost more weight than the other 30 women.
Trapp and Chisholm already showed in 2008 that high intensity training was more effective when it comes to weight loss of cardio training with a lower but continuous intensity.
Are you looking for more scientific evidence that high intensity training is more effective than I can do the research "
Why low-intensity cardio is less effective
This conclusion is nice, much more interesting is why interval training is more effective? It appears that cardio training with low intensity stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Your body makes Cortisol to survive in situations that are life-threatening. It makes you alert and stops fat burning.
Cortisol is itself produced by your body and should mainly come from short intensive actions. In this way, the body has access to more energy, an alert memory, a better immune system and you are less susceptible to pain at the crucial moments.
Because the actions are short, your body has enough time to break it down again. Are you exposed to stress for a longer period of time than your body makes too much cortisol and it does not have enough time to break down which results in (belly) fat storage . This also explains why people with a lot of stress do not sleep well, because the hormone makes you alert and stops sleep. In the article on reasons why losing weight does not work you can read more background information.
Running with interval is more effective
If you want to lose weight with running, do this by short but intensive interval training sessions. As explained above, this is more efficient than running at the same rate at the same pace. You are not only faster ready but it also gives you faster results.
An interval training with high intensity is also called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Before you start with HITT it is important that you have a certain basic condition and warm your muscles to prevent injuries. Read more about this in the article about losing weight with sports .
Best method for burning (belly) fat
The research conducted by Mc-Carty MF in 1995 shows that the combination of cardio and strength training helps to burn extra fat. The most efficient way to tackle (stomach) fat is to perform high intensity interval exercises in which you combine cardio with strength training. If you know the Obese program from RTL 4, you can probably suggest something. During the training program you will see the Obese participants constantly busy with weights and cardio training sessions.
Besides the argument that the combination strength and cardio is better if you want to lose weight, I have an important argument to choose for this combination. In these times in which we spend a lot and are active on laptops, mobile phones and tablets, our muscles receive less and less attention. I speak from my own experience that this can have ugly consequences.
For example, I walked around with shoulder complaints for years as a result of a wrong working posture. The solution is to be aware of this and actively train the muscles. Fortunately, you do not have to go to the gym anymore today (may of course :)).
This combination of cardio and strength is elaborated in a unique product called the kettlebell workout. This product is made by the well-known personal trainer Jesse van der Velde. It is a simple workout program that you can follow at home. It delivers extremely good results, takes very little time and is very easy to implement. Here you can find a detailed review of the kettlebell workout from Jesse .
The kettlebell workouts are also easy to combine with running. Make sure that your body gets enough rest.
Click on the button below to learn more about the product and the user experiences. As you are used to, we have also negotiated a huge discount for this product that we pass on to you directly. The product offers a 100% quality guarantee.
Lose weight by running: the theory
I would like to start with a bit of context for this article. Because do you have a different goal than losing weight with running? Think, for example, of training for competitions, increasing sprint speed, increasing stamina? Then other advice applies. You will not find these recommendations in this article. This article is purely about how you can lose weight as effectively as possible by running fast. Now that you know this I will go over to the theory behind losing weight in combination with running.
Diet and exercise are the two buttons you can turn on if you want to lose weight or stay healthy. Various scientific studies have been conducted in which it has been investigated which form of exercise yields the best and fastest result if you want to lose weight. This shows that it is more effective to do interval training with a high intensity instead of training during a longer period with a low intensity called cardio training (running, cycling, etc).
Scientific research on losing weight in relation to running
This is apparent from, among other things, the research by Kordi and Alizadeh from the year 2013. They conducted research among overweight women which form the best result for sports. For 12 weeks the 45 women ate the same things and all received the same amount of calories. All women who performed training trained 5 times a week. A distinction was made between a group of 15 women who trained 3 times a day for 40 minutes and a group that trained for 40 minutes at a low intensity. The other 15 women did not perform training. The results showed that the group that had trained in short sessions had lost more weight than the other 30 women.
Trapp and Chisholm already showed in 2008 that high intensity training was more effective when it comes to weight loss of cardio training with a lower but continuous intensity.
Are you looking for more scientific evidence that high intensity training is more effective than I can do the research "
Why low-intensity cardio is less effective
This conclusion is nice, much more interesting is why interval training is more effective? It appears that cardio training with low intensity stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Your body makes Cortisol to survive in situations that are life-threatening. It makes you alert and stops fat burning.
Cortisol is itself produced by your body and should mainly come from short intensive actions. In this way, the body has access to more energy, an alert memory, a better immune system and you are less susceptible to pain at the crucial moments.
Because the actions are short, your body has enough time to break it down again. Are you exposed to stress for a longer period of time than your body makes too much cortisol and it does not have enough time to break down which results in (belly) fat storage . This also explains why people with a lot of stress do not sleep well, because the hormone makes you alert and stops sleep. In the article on reasons why losing weight does not work you can read more background information.
Running with interval is more effective
If you want to lose weight with running, do this by short but intensive interval training sessions. As explained above, this is more efficient than running at the same rate at the same pace. You are not only faster ready but it also gives you faster results.
An interval training with high intensity is also called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Before you start with HITT it is important that you have a certain basic condition and warm your muscles to prevent injuries. Read more about this in the article about losing weight with sports .
Best method for burning (belly) fat
The research conducted by Mc-Carty MF in 1995 shows that the combination of cardio and strength training helps to burn extra fat. The most efficient way to tackle (stomach) fat is to perform high intensity interval exercises in which you combine cardio with strength training. If you know the Obese program from RTL 4, you can probably suggest something. During the training program you will see the Obese participants constantly busy with weights and cardio training sessions.
Besides the argument that the combination strength and cardio is better if you want to lose weight, I have an important argument to choose for this combination. In these times in which we spend a lot and are active on laptops, mobile phones and tablets, our muscles receive less and less attention. I speak from my own experience that this can have ugly consequences.
For example, I walked around with shoulder complaints for years as a result of a wrong working posture. The solution is to be aware of this and actively train the muscles. Fortunately, you do not have to go to the gym anymore today (may of course :)).
This combination of cardio and strength is elaborated in a unique product called the kettlebell workout. This product is made by the well-known personal trainer Jesse van der Velde. It is a simple workout program that you can follow at home. It delivers extremely good results, takes very little time and is very easy to implement. Here you can find a detailed review of the kettlebell workout from Jesse .
The kettlebell workouts are also easy to combine with running. Make sure that your body gets enough rest.
Click on the button below to learn more about the product and the user experiences. As you are used to, we have also negotiated a huge discount for this product that we pass on to you directly. The product offers a 100% quality guarantee.
Good nutrition is of great importance if you want to lose weight and stay healthy. What exactly is meant by healthy eating is described in previous articles. The question that lives with many people is whether the timing of meals has an effect on our weight? And if so, when can we best eat and not eat?
Timing of food seems important
The human body has a cycle of 24 hours. This is also called the sleep-wake rhythm. Connecting power well with this 24 hour cycle seems to be important.
Scientific research shows, for example, that people who place the center of gravity of their diet in the morning lose weight (weight and waist circumference) than people who eat a substantial meal in the evening. The research in question was carried out.
It turns out that in addition to weight loss, there are other health benefits to be gained when you start the day with a hearty breakfast. It has been shown that hearty breakfasts have a lower glucose and insulin level throughout the day. This means lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease as well as type 2 diabetes .
However, other studies have also been made from which no conclusive evidence has yet been presented. There are many countries that consume a heavy meal late at night. Think of Southern European countries. In other countries the emphasis is precisely on lunch. Researchers are not yet sure what the effects are. They do indicate that a heavy meal in the evening can lead to obesity. However, more research is needed to prove this scientifically.
The evidence that meal times are important
To determine the impact of meal timing, research was done among 93 women with obesity. The women were divided into 2 groups. One group of women ate 700 calories at breakfast, 500 calories as lunch and 200 calories at dinner.
The other group ate breakfast 200, 500 lunch and 700 calories dinner. It should be noted that breakfast with 700 calories and dinner with 700 calories contained exactly the same diet.
The women ate the same average amounts of carbohydrates and fats in both groups. The power supply was therefore as far as possible equal to exclude this as possible distorting comparison factor. The study was conducted for 12 weeks.
What are the research results?
After the women had followed the diet for 12 weeks, the researcher collected the results. It turned out that the women in the solid breakfast group had lost about 8 kilos on average. The other group had lost 3.2 kilos on average.
This shows that a significant difference has arisen where the hearty breakfast group has lost much more than the other group.
Also the loss of waist size was much greater in the hearty breakfast group. Furthermore, it appeared that the women with the hearty breakfast had much less of the hormone in their body.
Regular food is important for good health
With timing of meals you can look purely at the time of nutrition. The question is whether it is also important to eat regularly. In other words: provide your body with nutrition at set times. Research has also been conducted in this area
For example, there are studies that address the question of whether regular eating affects, for example, risk factors. With risk factors you can think of an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, increased BMI or a metabolic disorder. Examples of such studies have been carried out by Gerda Pot. She is affiliated with the VU and King's College in London. These studies were published in June and November 2016 in the major journal Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
This shows that people who eat irregular food are more likely to have type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders. It is also concluded that there are major differences between cultures and countries which require further research.
Timing of food seems important
The human body has a cycle of 24 hours. This is also called the sleep-wake rhythm. Connecting power well with this 24 hour cycle seems to be important.
Scientific research shows, for example, that people who place the center of gravity of their diet in the morning lose weight (weight and waist circumference) than people who eat a substantial meal in the evening. The research in question was carried out.
It turns out that in addition to weight loss, there are other health benefits to be gained when you start the day with a hearty breakfast. It has been shown that hearty breakfasts have a lower glucose and insulin level throughout the day. This means lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease as well as type 2 diabetes .
However, other studies have also been made from which no conclusive evidence has yet been presented. There are many countries that consume a heavy meal late at night. Think of Southern European countries. In other countries the emphasis is precisely on lunch. Researchers are not yet sure what the effects are. They do indicate that a heavy meal in the evening can lead to obesity. However, more research is needed to prove this scientifically.
The evidence that meal times are important
To determine the impact of meal timing, research was done among 93 women with obesity. The women were divided into 2 groups. One group of women ate 700 calories at breakfast, 500 calories as lunch and 200 calories at dinner.
The other group ate breakfast 200, 500 lunch and 700 calories dinner. It should be noted that breakfast with 700 calories and dinner with 700 calories contained exactly the same diet.
The women ate the same average amounts of carbohydrates and fats in both groups. The power supply was therefore as far as possible equal to exclude this as possible distorting comparison factor. The study was conducted for 12 weeks.
What are the research results?
After the women had followed the diet for 12 weeks, the researcher collected the results. It turned out that the women in the solid breakfast group had lost about 8 kilos on average. The other group had lost 3.2 kilos on average.
This shows that a significant difference has arisen where the hearty breakfast group has lost much more than the other group.
Also the loss of waist size was much greater in the hearty breakfast group. Furthermore, it appeared that the women with the hearty breakfast had much less of the hormone in their body.
Regular food is important for good health
With timing of meals you can look purely at the time of nutrition. The question is whether it is also important to eat regularly. In other words: provide your body with nutrition at set times. Research has also been conducted in this area
For example, there are studies that address the question of whether regular eating affects, for example, risk factors. With risk factors you can think of an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, increased BMI or a metabolic disorder. Examples of such studies have been carried out by Gerda Pot. She is affiliated with the VU and King's College in London. These studies were published in June and November 2016 in the major journal Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
This shows that people who eat irregular food are more likely to have type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders. It is also concluded that there are major differences between cultures and countries which require further research.
Everyone knows that healthy living is important to stay healthy. With healthy living, not only the emergence of type 2 diabetes can be delayed. Many other diseases such as cardiovascular disease can also be prevented by a healthier lifestyle ( McGinnis JM, Foege WH, Actual causes of death in the United States, JAMA 1993, 270: 2207-12). It costs society a huge amount of money to treat all diseases due to obesity. The question is, however, why do not we manage to live healthier and why does weight loss fail so often? Why do many people ultimately always give in to the temptations of sweets and fast food and why do we move too little? If you know the answer to this question, you are better able to make that change to a healthier life.
Much scientific research into the causes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of "The Department of Health and Human Services " of the United States released an interesting publication. The CDC is there for the health of American citizens.
One of the objectives is to translate scientific research into concrete programs that lead to prevention of diseases by means of scientific research and the bundling of research results. This is also known as the combined lifestyle intervention (GLI).
The most important findings of the CDC are that ethnic origin, gender, level of education, income and age all influence important factors that underlie obesity. Think of the amount of fruit and vegetables people eat and the physical effort that people make. That is why they advocated a tailor-made GLI with a great deal of attention to behavioral change.
The combined lifestyle intervention (GLI)
In order to achieve a healthier lifestyle , more and more combined lifestyle interventions are being used in the Netherlands. These interventions are aimed at improving eating and exercise habits and are also specifically aimed at behavioral change ( Prevention in obesity and obesity: the combined lifestyle intervention , 2009 ).
It is common ground that a properly executed and set up GLI yields good results. It yields better results than intervention on separate parts. In the Netherlands, however, it is not yet clear who must reimburse which costs. Soon more clarity will follow on this subject. In 2018, for example, a list will be made available stating which GLIs are proven to be effective. If the GLI further complies with the Nza policy rules and combines lifestyle, diet and behavior, it can be reimbursed from the basic insurance.
Below we discuss the three components of an effective GLI.
Intervention on eating habits
The main purpose of the intervention on eating habits is to reduce calorie intake. This is achieved through a tailor-made diet aimed at a permanent change in eating habits.
In other words: the renewed dietary pattern must be composed in such a way that it can be kept full for the rest of your life. This does not have to be annoying at all; in contrast. Healthy eating is often much tastier than unhealthy food.
Intervention on movement
The main purpose of the intervention on exercise is to increase physical activity. Often we move too little and therefore we burn too little calories / energy. Sitting is seen as one of the biggest threats to our health. Some even mention the new smoking .
Intervention on behavior
The goal of intervention on behavior is to achieve a lasting behavioral change that is supportive of a healthy lifestyle. We can think of:
Self control: learn to participate differently on stimuli that lead to excess / unhealthy eating;
Self monitoring: learn to keep an eye on your eating and exercise behavior. Early detection and acting on it if there is a risk of going wrong.
Cognitive intervention: adjusting unrealistic goals and imaging about nutrition and exercise and the human body.
Social support: the social environment can be very decisive for the behavior of people. Intervention in the social environment aims to use the social environment in support of changing living habits.
The underlying idea of the intervention on the above components is as follows:
To lose weight it is necessary to eat fewer calories than you consume daily (see previous articles about losing weight on this website). On the one hand, the number of calories can be limited by eating less and / or differently. Furthermore, physical activity contributes to increasing the energy consumption so that you burn more calories. Physical activity also contributes to a fitter body, which in turn has a positive effect on the occurrence of various diseases. You also get more energy, so you end up in a sort of vicious circle. For both parts (eating and exercise), changing behavior forms the basis and is necessary to make lasting changes.
Participating in a GLI (exercise course)
In the Netherlands you can get access to BeweegKuur through the GP. This is a combined lifestyle interventions specifically aimed at people with overweight and obesity who are at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
The exercise course is aimed at support and guidance with the aim of healthier eating habits and more physical activity. A multidisciplinary team is used here. In concrete terms, this means that the general practitioner, lifestyle consultant, physiotherapist and dietician work closely together, with each contributing to the program from his own specialism.
The management is in the hands of the lifestyle consultant who ensures that a plan is tailor-made for the client. An important success factor is that the client really experiences that a team is behind him / her. Client and team jointly aim to help the client structurally.
Alternatives to lose weight
If it turns out that the GLI does not work, then in a number of 'severe' cases, other interventions can be made. Think of surgical procedures and the administration of medicines. This is in fact only relevant if the GLI does not appear to work.
If you are not yet within these target groups, you can always ask for advice from the general practitioner. The general practitioner can prescribe medication such as Xenical if necessary . The Xenical medication is specifically intended for people with heavy overweight. This type of people has been struggling with obesity for years, but it does not manage to lose weight.
You can also try to lose weight with a diet . Choose a healthy diet in which you lose excess pounds and simultaneously work on a healthier diet through behavioral change.
What can also contribute is to lose weight with shakes. However, strict conditions apply to making weight loss a success. Many people experience weight loss with shakes with the yo-yo effect. However, this does not need to be discussed at all. In fact, there is evidence that shakes can help tremendously with weight loss. In this article about losing weight with shakes you can read all ins and outs about this way of losing weight. You will also find a complete knowledge base in which a lot of background information is included.
Much scientific research into the causes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of "The Department of Health and Human Services " of the United States released an interesting publication. The CDC is there for the health of American citizens.
One of the objectives is to translate scientific research into concrete programs that lead to prevention of diseases by means of scientific research and the bundling of research results. This is also known as the combined lifestyle intervention (GLI).
The most important findings of the CDC are that ethnic origin, gender, level of education, income and age all influence important factors that underlie obesity. Think of the amount of fruit and vegetables people eat and the physical effort that people make. That is why they advocated a tailor-made GLI with a great deal of attention to behavioral change.
The combined lifestyle intervention (GLI)
In order to achieve a healthier lifestyle , more and more combined lifestyle interventions are being used in the Netherlands. These interventions are aimed at improving eating and exercise habits and are also specifically aimed at behavioral change ( Prevention in obesity and obesity: the combined lifestyle intervention , 2009 ).
It is common ground that a properly executed and set up GLI yields good results. It yields better results than intervention on separate parts. In the Netherlands, however, it is not yet clear who must reimburse which costs. Soon more clarity will follow on this subject. In 2018, for example, a list will be made available stating which GLIs are proven to be effective. If the GLI further complies with the Nza policy rules and combines lifestyle, diet and behavior, it can be reimbursed from the basic insurance.
Below we discuss the three components of an effective GLI.
Intervention on eating habits
The main purpose of the intervention on eating habits is to reduce calorie intake. This is achieved through a tailor-made diet aimed at a permanent change in eating habits.
In other words: the renewed dietary pattern must be composed in such a way that it can be kept full for the rest of your life. This does not have to be annoying at all; in contrast. Healthy eating is often much tastier than unhealthy food.
Intervention on movement
The main purpose of the intervention on exercise is to increase physical activity. Often we move too little and therefore we burn too little calories / energy. Sitting is seen as one of the biggest threats to our health. Some even mention the new smoking .
Intervention on behavior
The goal of intervention on behavior is to achieve a lasting behavioral change that is supportive of a healthy lifestyle. We can think of:
Self control: learn to participate differently on stimuli that lead to excess / unhealthy eating;
Self monitoring: learn to keep an eye on your eating and exercise behavior. Early detection and acting on it if there is a risk of going wrong.
Cognitive intervention: adjusting unrealistic goals and imaging about nutrition and exercise and the human body.
Social support: the social environment can be very decisive for the behavior of people. Intervention in the social environment aims to use the social environment in support of changing living habits.
The underlying idea of the intervention on the above components is as follows:
To lose weight it is necessary to eat fewer calories than you consume daily (see previous articles about losing weight on this website). On the one hand, the number of calories can be limited by eating less and / or differently. Furthermore, physical activity contributes to increasing the energy consumption so that you burn more calories. Physical activity also contributes to a fitter body, which in turn has a positive effect on the occurrence of various diseases. You also get more energy, so you end up in a sort of vicious circle. For both parts (eating and exercise), changing behavior forms the basis and is necessary to make lasting changes.
Participating in a GLI (exercise course)
In the Netherlands you can get access to BeweegKuur through the GP. This is a combined lifestyle interventions specifically aimed at people with overweight and obesity who are at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
The exercise course is aimed at support and guidance with the aim of healthier eating habits and more physical activity. A multidisciplinary team is used here. In concrete terms, this means that the general practitioner, lifestyle consultant, physiotherapist and dietician work closely together, with each contributing to the program from his own specialism.
The management is in the hands of the lifestyle consultant who ensures that a plan is tailor-made for the client. An important success factor is that the client really experiences that a team is behind him / her. Client and team jointly aim to help the client structurally.
Alternatives to lose weight
If it turns out that the GLI does not work, then in a number of 'severe' cases, other interventions can be made. Think of surgical procedures and the administration of medicines. This is in fact only relevant if the GLI does not appear to work.
If you are not yet within these target groups, you can always ask for advice from the general practitioner. The general practitioner can prescribe medication such as Xenical if necessary . The Xenical medication is specifically intended for people with heavy overweight. This type of people has been struggling with obesity for years, but it does not manage to lose weight.
You can also try to lose weight with a diet . Choose a healthy diet in which you lose excess pounds and simultaneously work on a healthier diet through behavioral change.
What can also contribute is to lose weight with shakes. However, strict conditions apply to making weight loss a success. Many people experience weight loss with shakes with the yo-yo effect. However, this does not need to be discussed at all. In fact, there is evidence that shakes can help tremendously with weight loss. In this article about losing weight with shakes you can read all ins and outs about this way of losing weight. You will also find a complete knowledge base in which a lot of background information is included.
Healthy eating also means eating plenty of whole grain bread, whole grain products and potatoes. In this article you can read exactly why these products are so important in a healthy diet. A healthy diet forms the basis for a slim and healthy life.
Why is whole grain bread healthy?
Whole wheat bread supplies your body with fiber, iodine, vitamin B and iron. Furthermore, wholemeal bread has a positive influence on the bowel movement and functioning of your intestines. It has been scientifically proven that by eating 3 whole-grain sandwiches a day you can reduce the risk of all kinds of dangerous diseases. Think of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, (gut) cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Of course you can also get the nutrients from wholemeal bread from other products. However, it appears to be very difficult to get enough of these nutrients without eating too many calories. Too many calories means that you will grow in weight and that is precisely not a desirable effect.
I can best illustrate this on the basis of an example. Bread is an important source of iodine. If you want to eat the same amount of iodine as in 3 slices of bread, there are the following options:
6 boiled eggs
1.5 liters of half full milk (+/- 9 glasses)
3.5 kilos of beef
0.7 kilos of cheese
The above shows that it is very difficult to get enough iodine if you do not eat bread.
Some 'experts' indicate that in this case you can opt for seaweed tablets (kelp tablets). However, the amount of iodine in seaweed is very variable and therefore the use of seaweed capsules is not recommended as a full substitute.
Do you eat bread daily (with the exception of organic bread and homemade bread) then you can assume that you get enough iodine. This appears from a study such as the RIVM conducted in 2014.
On the basis of the label or by asking the baker you can check for yourself whether the bread you eat is wholemeal. The title wholegrain is legally protected and should therefore not be stuck on products that are not actually wholegrain.
Why are whole-wheat products healthy?
The big advantage of wholegrain products is that they are loaded with fiber. They are fibers that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Bread is made from grain. Well-known cereals made from bread are wheat, oats, maize, spelled, rye and barley. The difference between wholemeal bread and other types of bread is that wholemeal bread is made from whole grains (wholemeal flour). Most vitamins, minerals and fiber are found in the outer edge of the cereal grain. These are then also retained when bread or other products are made from the entire grain.
With non-whole grain products such as multigrain bread, brown bread and white bread, the entire grain is not used. For example, white bread is made from flour. This means that in white bread no bran and germs are processed in the bread.
The fibers in wholemeal bread ensure that your intestines continue to work well. In addition, the fibers give you a feeling of saturation, so you are less likely to be hungry for something else. This is very useful if you want to lose weight .
Why are potatoes healthy?
The potato is officially not in the category of grain products. Nevertheless, the potato forms a healthy meal base. The potato is packed with healthy nutrients. For example, potatoes contain a lot of fiber, vitamins B and C, carbohydrates, protein and folic acid. Potatoes give you energy and promote the proper functioning of your intestines. Diets such as the low-carbohydrate diet advise not to eat potatoes. Nevertheless, potatoes certainly fit in a healthy diet for the reasons mentioned above. Of course, potatoes also require that you eat them in moderation and you can alternate with other products.
In addition, the potato can be used very versatile. You can cook, bake, purée potatoes, etc.
Which products are best chosen?
The list below shows products that fit within a healthy diet:
Bread, rolls of currant bread and muesli bread (provided whole grain);
Crispbread (provided whole grain);
Rye bread;
Muesli and cereal (provided whole grain and little to no added sugars);
Whole grain pasta and rice (unpolished rice);
Grain products are healthy but not suitable for everyone. There are people with a gluten intolerance such as celiac disease. For these people, specific gluten-free dietary advice and gluten-free diets are available.
Why is whole grain bread healthy?
Whole wheat bread supplies your body with fiber, iodine, vitamin B and iron. Furthermore, wholemeal bread has a positive influence on the bowel movement and functioning of your intestines. It has been scientifically proven that by eating 3 whole-grain sandwiches a day you can reduce the risk of all kinds of dangerous diseases. Think of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, (gut) cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Of course you can also get the nutrients from wholemeal bread from other products. However, it appears to be very difficult to get enough of these nutrients without eating too many calories. Too many calories means that you will grow in weight and that is precisely not a desirable effect.
I can best illustrate this on the basis of an example. Bread is an important source of iodine. If you want to eat the same amount of iodine as in 3 slices of bread, there are the following options:
6 boiled eggs
1.5 liters of half full milk (+/- 9 glasses)
3.5 kilos of beef
0.7 kilos of cheese
The above shows that it is very difficult to get enough iodine if you do not eat bread.
Some 'experts' indicate that in this case you can opt for seaweed tablets (kelp tablets). However, the amount of iodine in seaweed is very variable and therefore the use of seaweed capsules is not recommended as a full substitute.
Do you eat bread daily (with the exception of organic bread and homemade bread) then you can assume that you get enough iodine. This appears from a study such as the RIVM conducted in 2014.
On the basis of the label or by asking the baker you can check for yourself whether the bread you eat is wholemeal. The title wholegrain is legally protected and should therefore not be stuck on products that are not actually wholegrain.
Why are whole-wheat products healthy?
The big advantage of wholegrain products is that they are loaded with fiber. They are fibers that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Bread is made from grain. Well-known cereals made from bread are wheat, oats, maize, spelled, rye and barley. The difference between wholemeal bread and other types of bread is that wholemeal bread is made from whole grains (wholemeal flour). Most vitamins, minerals and fiber are found in the outer edge of the cereal grain. These are then also retained when bread or other products are made from the entire grain.
With non-whole grain products such as multigrain bread, brown bread and white bread, the entire grain is not used. For example, white bread is made from flour. This means that in white bread no bran and germs are processed in the bread.
The fibers in wholemeal bread ensure that your intestines continue to work well. In addition, the fibers give you a feeling of saturation, so you are less likely to be hungry for something else. This is very useful if you want to lose weight .
Why are potatoes healthy?
The potato is officially not in the category of grain products. Nevertheless, the potato forms a healthy meal base. The potato is packed with healthy nutrients. For example, potatoes contain a lot of fiber, vitamins B and C, carbohydrates, protein and folic acid. Potatoes give you energy and promote the proper functioning of your intestines. Diets such as the low-carbohydrate diet advise not to eat potatoes. Nevertheless, potatoes certainly fit in a healthy diet for the reasons mentioned above. Of course, potatoes also require that you eat them in moderation and you can alternate with other products.
In addition, the potato can be used very versatile. You can cook, bake, purée potatoes, etc.
Which products are best chosen?
The list below shows products that fit within a healthy diet:
Bread, rolls of currant bread and muesli bread (provided whole grain);
Crispbread (provided whole grain);
Rye bread;
Muesli and cereal (provided whole grain and little to no added sugars);
Whole grain pasta and rice (unpolished rice);
Grain products are healthy but not suitable for everyone. There are people with a gluten intolerance such as celiac disease. For these people, specific gluten-free dietary advice and gluten-free diets are available.
Lose weight with fruit? Is that possible and how does that work. The basis for a healthy weight is a healthy diet. Fruit is part of that. As indicated in a previous blog , we use separate blog posts to discuss all aspects that are part of a healthy diet. We provide insights and practical tips that you can apply when developing a healthy diet. Today a floor about the role of fruit in our food.
Lose weight with fruit: what does 'sufficient' fruit mean?
In healthy food there is a daily amount of two to three pieces of fruit. It is not the intention that you replace the fruit with fruit or fruit drinks but keep it pure. The danger of fruit drinks is that they are often packed with carbohydrates in the form of sugars, so that a glass of fruit drink quickly absorbs a lot of calories while yielding few healthy nutrients.
In addition to the guideline of 2 to 3 pieces of fruit per day, it is important that you vary by eating different types of fruit. Below we explain why this is important.
The color of fruit says a lot about the content
The color of fruit is determined by the plant where the fruit grows. We now know that the color of fruit says a lot about the content. Each color has its own healthy ingredients (vitamins and minerals) which I will explain below. That is why variation in fruit and therefore in color is important. You get enough of everything.
The color green provides the body with antioxidants. These are antibodies that the body needs to protect you against diseases. The antioxidant that occurs in a green apple is also called "quercitine".
The color orange provides the body carotenoids (component vitamin A) which is very good for your eyes. There are about 600 different carotenoids that occur in fruit and vegetables. In nectarines and peaches you will find a lot of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) which you will also find in carrots and oranges.
Red fruit is packed with vitamin C. As described earlier, vitamin C is good for resistance, bones, skin, teeth and blood vessels. Red fruit also slows the aging process. Furthermore, red fruit contains the dye lycopene which prevents prostate cancer.
Yellow fruit is said to be good for blood pressure. Yellow fruit contains a lot of the mineral potassium and is therefore also good for the energy management because it ensures a constant blood sugar level. You need to prevent peaks and valleys in blood sugar as much as possible if you want to keep feeling energetic.
Fruit turns purple through the anthocyanin dye. This substance is an antioxidant and works well against high blood pressure, forgetfulness, inflammation, the aging process of our brains and have a protective effect on the heart. Purple fruit is not the most popular fruit but is very healthy.
Which fruits are healthy
All fruits are healthy and yet there is a lot of distinction between the different types of fruit. Below we discuss two healthy fruits per color.
Apple (green)
Everyone knows the apple. The apple is eaten a lot and is one of the most healthy fruits. Especially the skin of the apple is full of vitamins. Read our article about vitamins to find out exactly which vitamin is good for. We can say that the apple is full of vitamins B and C. In addition, an apple contains many antioxidants (protective substance).
Kiwi (green)
The kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C which has a positive effect on the resistance. There is also folic acid in a kiwi. The kiwi has a thinning effect on the blood. This diluting effect has been demonstrated through a study conducted by scientists from Norway (Oslo). If you suffer from clogging blood vessels, it can make sense to eat 2 to 3 kiwis per day.
Nectarine (orange)
A nectarine contains lutein and zeaxanthin and is a mutant (variant) of the peach. Both substances have a protective effect with respect to the retina. The retina is protected from sunlight and thus prevents damage to the retina. Furthermore, the ingredients counteract (retard) the aging process of the retina.
The only difference between a nectarine and a peach is the shell. The fruits grow on the same tree and sometimes a nectarine and sometimes a peach grows. They are certainly not different fruits but variants.
Apricot (orange)
The apricot contains vitamins in the form of vitamins A, B2, B3 and C. The apricot also contains calcium, iron and phosphorus. The apricot helps against anemia and contains many antioxidants. So they go against diseases and are also good for the eyes. It is known that the apricot counteracts the phenomenon of 'cataract' and other eye diseases.
Strawberry (red)
Strawberries are packed with vitamins B1, B2 and C and contain very few calories. You can also find various minerals such as calcium and iron in the earth. Although the strawberry contains very few calories (about 30 kcal per strawberry) it is one of the most nutritious fruits. What many people do not know is that the strawberry also has a positive effect on the skin. This makes your skin cleaner (less fat) and tighter.
Watermelon (red)
Watermelon surprisingly consists of 95% water and is therefore a real thirst quencher. In addition to water, the watermelon is rich in vitamin C, iron and potassium. There are also various antioxidants in the watermelon and beta-carotene results in vitamin A. Often the seeds are removed while they are very healthy. The kernels contain a lot of protein (protein) and give you a feeling of fullness. Furthermore, research shows that the watermelon contributes to a healthy blood pressure.
Banana (yellow)
The banana contains a lot of potassium and vitamin B6. The banana contains the most vitamin B6 compared to all other fruits. Vitamin B6 and potassium complement each other perfectly. Bananas are good for blood pressure, give you a lot of energy, prevent mood swings in women (premenstrual syndrome), help fight anxiety and depression and ensure good metabolism and intestinal flora.
Melon (yellow)
The melon is also called sugar or honey melon and is characterized by an even dark yellow skin and nice soft flesh with a yellow color. This type of fruit also contains a lot of potassium, but to a lesser extent than the banana. The melon is a family of the cucumber and can be easily crossed so that there are many variations on the market. Think of the cantaloupe melon. The types of galia melon and net melon have green flesh. We have already discussed the watermelon above.
Blueberries (purple)
The blueberry contains a lot of anthocyanin. The effect of blueberries has been tested on animals. This showed that the blueberry had a positive effect on the cleverness of the animals. The more the animals from the dust anthocyanin ingested, the smarter they became and stayed in spite of aging.
Plums (purple)
The plum is probably at the top when it comes to antioxidant effect. It is therefore pre-eminently a fruit that helps us to avoid becoming ill.
Which fruit types should I watch?
As you have been able to read, fruit is very healthy. It is not that there are fruit types that you have to watch out with. However, one fruit contains more kilocalories than the other kind. If you eat a variety of fruit, you do not have to pay attention to what you eat. It is good to know that cherries, bananas and mango contain a lot of kilocalories.
Eat 2 to 3 pieces of fruit every day and vary in colors and fruits. With this you ensure that eating fruit stays nice and you get enough of everything.
When can I eat the best fruit?
When you eat fruit does not really matter. It is more a personal preference. It is best to listen carefully to the body and decide for yourself when the best time for you is to eat fruit.
Are you a real confectioner and do you regularly grab an unhealthy snack? Then it is advisable to replace these snacks with fruit. Teach yourself to grab fruit as a snack. Make sure you always have a piece of fruit within reach.
Learning to eat healthy
Many people find it very difficult to learn a healthy diet. This is because breaking with old habits is difficult for everyone. It requires an adaptation of our lifestyle. With this article and other information on this website, I hope to have brought a lot of awareness. But I also want to help you to put the theory into practice. I can recommend two options for this.
Option 1:
Ideal for when you are overweight right now and want to learn a healthy eating style but at the same time want to quickly get rid of your excess kilograms. Lose weight and learn to eat healthy are ingredients that are combined in the product diet pro . On the one hand you use shakes to lose weight. On the other hand, you try to work with healthy recipes on a different diet.
Option 2:
Do you find it hard to make healthy food and are you uninspiring? If you want to learn how to cook and also lose weight quickly then I can recommend the slimming recipes Bible
Top 15 most healthy vegetables (types)
Below is a top 15 of the most healthy vegetables. These vegetables are all very healthy and the order is random, as said, it is enough and varied food.Green vegetables are known as very healthy. Below are some particularly healthy green vegetable products that you can buy fresh.
1. Kale is rich in vitamins A, C and K. You can also find minerals such as calcium and potassium in kale. Furthermore, kale cabbage contains vitamin B6 to a small extent. Kale is therefore best known as one of the most beneficial types of cabbage.
2. Brocolli is rich in vitamins A, C, B11 (folic acid), E and the minerals iron and calcium. It is mainly the vitamins A, C and E that promote a strong immune system. An additional advantage is that broccoli can be prepared in many different ways. You can cook broccoli but also process it in green smoothies and oven dishes.
3. Spinach is full of vitamin E, iron and antioxidants. Furthermore, it contains many different vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B6, C and K. Of course we know spinach from the muscle bundle Popeye. However, it is not known that spinach has a positive effect on muscle strength. Spinach does contribute to a good immune system.
4. Carrot is rich in vitamins A, B, C and also contains a relatively large amount of potassium. Everyone knows that carrots are good for your eyes, this is mainly caused by the presence of vitamin A in the root. Carrot may seem like most of all vegetables on fruit. You can eat it raw and is also a great snack.
5. Tomatoes are full of vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, C, E and K. The tomato also contains various minerals such as potassium. Tomato is good for the bone structure and protects against cardiovascular diseases.
6. Asparagus is also known as the 'white gold'. They are full of vitamins K, C, B1, B2 and E and also contains vitamin B11 (folic acid). Especially the vitamin E is strongly represented as an antioxidant. Asparagus is therefore good for the resistance, the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of muscle and other body tissue. Furthermore, there are many minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and fluorine which has a positive effect on the bone structure. Asparagus is also good for kidney function and contains relatively few kilocalories.
7. Potatoes provide important fuels for our body in the form of proteins and slow carbohydrates. This means that eating potatoes will give you a long-lasting feeling. Potatoes are rich in vitamins B and C and the mineral iron is also strongly represented. Furthermore, the potato contains many dietary fibers that are good for the digestion / bowel function. The potato is explicitly included in the disc of five as issued by the food center.
8. Pepper contains a lot of vitamin A and C. The vitamins B1, B5 B6, B11 and E are also represented in the parika. A very healthy vegetable so you can also use it fresh and easy as a snack. The more the paprika smiles, the more vitamin C the peppers contain. The red pepper contains more vitamin C than the other colors of paprika (green and yellow).
9. Pumpkin is good for your eyes due to the presence of carotene that our body can then convert into vitamin A. Pumpkins contain vitamins B, C and D and also the minerals potassium, calcium and iron. Pumpkins promote digestion, resistance and combat liver and bile problems.
10. Onions are especially rich in vitamins C, B6 and B11 and the mineral potassium. Onions work perfectly against flu or a stuffy nose by eating an onion raw or a cut cut on the bedside table. Onions are also good for the heart, blood vessels, bone structure and connective tissue.
11. Celery mainly contains a lot of vitamin K. It also contains folic acid, potassium and vitamins A, C, B2, B5 and B11. Celery is good against high blood pressure and prevents fluid accumulation. You can eat celery as a healthy snack in combination with smear and peanut butter that can be easily lubricated on the stem. The leaves can also be perfectly processed in a healthy salad or processed in soup / broth.
12. Cucumbers are extremely popular in the Netherlands. There are vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, B11 and vitamin C. Cucumbers have a positive effect on the skin, kidneys and help prevent blockages. Furthermore, cucumbers are known for their cleansing effect. Especially the skin of the cucumber is very healthy.
13. Garlic contains vitamins B1, B6 and C. It also contains calcium. Garlic promotes the immune system in your body and works extra well against colds, flu, high blood pressure, anemia and arteriosclerosis. The disadvantage is the smell of garlic, which is not considered pleasant by most people. By eating parsley or drinking, you will resist the unpleasant odor of garlic. Other means are green tea, lemon and green herbs.
14. Red beets are full of antioxidants and are therefore super healthy. There is a lot of folic acid and the vitamins C, B6 and B2 are also represented. It also contains a number of minerals such as sodium and potassium.
15. Peas , unlike the other vegetables, do not have a dominantly present vitamin or mineral type. The peas are especially healthy because they contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. The peas are also rich in protein and fiber, which makes eating peas a long-lasting feeling.
Losing weight is a serious problem for many Dutch people. This is evident from the fact that I get the question every week: Mirjam, how do I lose belly fat ? Figures from the CBS show that 50% ( source # 1 ) of the Dutch population suffers from excess weight. In many people, this excess weight is visible around the abdomen in the form of belly fat.
Too much belly fat does not look beautiful but causes major health risks. Overweight and especially excess belly fat increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease. On the website of the diabetes fund you can read that the risk of these dangerous diseases can be reduced by 50% by living healthier ( source # 2 ). Losing a few pounds can make a big difference and reduce the health risks.
The good news is that belly does not have to be difficult. In this article you can read exactly what it takes to burn belly fat. Less belly fat means better health, better balance and more energy.
In this article you read:
Do I currently run health risks?
To determine whether you are currently running health risks, you can do a free test here . Discuss the results with a GP if there is reason to do so. The test indicates whether you are at present at risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney damage. It is a scientifically based test developed by general practitioners.
If you do not want to do an extensive test but do know if you run health risks as a result of excess fat, then you can use the accompanying guideline. The guidelines below are based on the NHG standard Obesity ( source # 3 ).
You can measure the waist circumference as follows:
Grab a tape measure or tape measure. Then measure the waist circumference by placing the ribbon just above the pelvis and below the lower rib. Then do not pull the ribbon too tightly while you have exhaled. The number of centimeters that remains is the size of your belly.
A BMI measurement can also provide insight into any health risks. However, a healthy weight does not mean that there is no excess belly fat present. Therefore, the measurement of the abdominal circumference is a better method for estimating risks due to abdominal fat. However, it does not hurt to also gain insight into your BMI.
If you run health risks, it is important to do something about this right away. Meanwhile, I have gained a good understanding of why abdominal discomfort often fails. Given the large risks associated with abdominal fat, we quickly move on to the question of what you can do to quickly lose belly fat. The answer to this question starts with an insight into the fact that weight loss does not succeed so often.
Lose weight belly: where does it go wrong?
Lose weight belly health risks
Below are the two main causes why abortions often fail.
Too little food
People stop eating to lose weight as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, weight loss does not work in this way and food has two major negative consequences that ensure that you do not become slimmer around the stomach.
By stopping food you get hungry and this can cause you to eat (more) unhealthy snacks. The hunger feeling can not be permanently suppressed. Compare it with breathing. There comes a time when you literally start to smell for air.
Too little food can not be sustained in the long run. Much less food for weight loss is also known as the crash diet . It is known that this does not lead to sustainable weight loss results. This is because such a strict diet can not be sustained. In the beginning you usually lose a lot of kilos. However, there comes a time when you fall back into the old eating habits. Since these eating habits do not change, the lost kilos are there again.
By stopping food the metabolism decreases. Although there is no scientific evidence for this, the human body shoots into a kind of 'survival mode' and saves as much energy as possible. It is very economical with the energy that is available. Are you going to eat more then the metabolism remains low. The result is that the body burns fewer calories. The result may be a weight gain, for example around the abdomen. Fortunately, this metabolism can be increased again.
Wrong food
The main cause of overweight and abdominal fat is wrong nutrition. This often goes very unconsciously. You are under the impression that something is healthy and contains few calories while the reality looks very different. As a consumer, we are constantly being misled in the supermarkets and commercials.
Think for example of light products. This means that the product contains 30% less calories, sugars or fats compared to the regular product. You understand that the light product can still be very high in calories. This can be very misleading.
In reality, food from the supermarket is often packed with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. They deliver a lot of calories, but your body has little or nothing. You get only short energy and it delivers few healthy nutrients.
The consequence of this is that you arrive, do not fall off and constantly fancy something tasty. The cause is the (too?) Commercial food industry. Everything must be cheap and long lasting and also taste and smell good.
Sometimes people try to lose belly fat with diet shakes. This is certainly possible but good insight into the advantages and disadvantages is important. In the article about losing weight with shakes you can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of diet shakes. In the article I have included a table in which well-known diet shakes are compared on the basis of price and quality.
Lose weight belly fat and nutrition
Nutrition is the most important button you can turn to quickly lose belly fat ( source # 5 ). Nutrition determines 70% of your body weight. After all, every form of food is burned differently by your body. One food digests very quickly and stimulates the burning of belly fat. Other food actually causes belly fat. Below you can read what is and what not to eat.
What do not eat if you want to quickly lose belly fat
Do not be tempted by products in the supermarket that claim:
Products with 0% fat. This says nothing about the amount of sugars.
Light products. The question is always: l ight to what? Light products contain 30% less calories than the original product according to the standard. So there can still be a lot of calories in it.
No added sugars. The product can still contain many sugars (calories). In addition, your body burns all the sugars in the same way. The body breaks down sugars into glucose which serves as fuel for your body. Sugars and added sugars deliver the same amount of calories.
Healthier choice.
Too much belly fat does not look beautiful but causes major health risks. Overweight and especially excess belly fat increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease. On the website of the diabetes fund you can read that the risk of these dangerous diseases can be reduced by 50% by living healthier ( source # 2 ). Losing a few pounds can make a big difference and reduce the health risks.
The good news is that belly does not have to be difficult. In this article you can read exactly what it takes to burn belly fat. Less belly fat means better health, better balance and more energy.
In this article you read:
Do I currently run health risks?
To determine whether you are currently running health risks, you can do a free test here . Discuss the results with a GP if there is reason to do so. The test indicates whether you are at present at risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney damage. It is a scientifically based test developed by general practitioners.
If you do not want to do an extensive test but do know if you run health risks as a result of excess fat, then you can use the accompanying guideline. The guidelines below are based on the NHG standard Obesity ( source # 3 ).
You can measure the waist circumference as follows:
Grab a tape measure or tape measure. Then measure the waist circumference by placing the ribbon just above the pelvis and below the lower rib. Then do not pull the ribbon too tightly while you have exhaled. The number of centimeters that remains is the size of your belly.
A BMI measurement can also provide insight into any health risks. However, a healthy weight does not mean that there is no excess belly fat present. Therefore, the measurement of the abdominal circumference is a better method for estimating risks due to abdominal fat. However, it does not hurt to also gain insight into your BMI.
If you run health risks, it is important to do something about this right away. Meanwhile, I have gained a good understanding of why abdominal discomfort often fails. Given the large risks associated with abdominal fat, we quickly move on to the question of what you can do to quickly lose belly fat. The answer to this question starts with an insight into the fact that weight loss does not succeed so often.
Lose weight belly: where does it go wrong?
Lose weight belly health risks
Below are the two main causes why abortions often fail.
Too little food
People stop eating to lose weight as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, weight loss does not work in this way and food has two major negative consequences that ensure that you do not become slimmer around the stomach.
By stopping food you get hungry and this can cause you to eat (more) unhealthy snacks. The hunger feeling can not be permanently suppressed. Compare it with breathing. There comes a time when you literally start to smell for air.
Too little food can not be sustained in the long run. Much less food for weight loss is also known as the crash diet . It is known that this does not lead to sustainable weight loss results. This is because such a strict diet can not be sustained. In the beginning you usually lose a lot of kilos. However, there comes a time when you fall back into the old eating habits. Since these eating habits do not change, the lost kilos are there again.
By stopping food the metabolism decreases. Although there is no scientific evidence for this, the human body shoots into a kind of 'survival mode' and saves as much energy as possible. It is very economical with the energy that is available. Are you going to eat more then the metabolism remains low. The result is that the body burns fewer calories. The result may be a weight gain, for example around the abdomen. Fortunately, this metabolism can be increased again.
Wrong food
The main cause of overweight and abdominal fat is wrong nutrition. This often goes very unconsciously. You are under the impression that something is healthy and contains few calories while the reality looks very different. As a consumer, we are constantly being misled in the supermarkets and commercials.
Think for example of light products. This means that the product contains 30% less calories, sugars or fats compared to the regular product. You understand that the light product can still be very high in calories. This can be very misleading.
In reality, food from the supermarket is often packed with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats. They deliver a lot of calories, but your body has little or nothing. You get only short energy and it delivers few healthy nutrients.
The consequence of this is that you arrive, do not fall off and constantly fancy something tasty. The cause is the (too?) Commercial food industry. Everything must be cheap and long lasting and also taste and smell good.
Sometimes people try to lose belly fat with diet shakes. This is certainly possible but good insight into the advantages and disadvantages is important. In the article about losing weight with shakes you can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of diet shakes. In the article I have included a table in which well-known diet shakes are compared on the basis of price and quality.
Lose weight belly fat and nutrition
Nutrition is the most important button you can turn to quickly lose belly fat ( source # 5 ). Nutrition determines 70% of your body weight. After all, every form of food is burned differently by your body. One food digests very quickly and stimulates the burning of belly fat. Other food actually causes belly fat. Below you can read what is and what not to eat.
What do not eat if you want to quickly lose belly fat
Do not be tempted by products in the supermarket that claim:
Products with 0% fat. This says nothing about the amount of sugars.
Light products. The question is always: l ight to what? Light products contain 30% less calories than the original product according to the standard. So there can still be a lot of calories in it.
No added sugars. The product can still contain many sugars (calories). In addition, your body burns all the sugars in the same way. The body breaks down sugars into glucose which serves as fuel for your body. Sugars and added sugars deliver the same amount of calories.
Healthier choice.
Smoking damages the brain
Smoking is bad for your brain. Researcher Frank-Erik de Leeuw of Radboud University has now discovered why exactly: smoking damages the white matter, the neural pathways that transmit information between different brain areas. As a result, the thinking ability deteriorates. A cigarette makes you sharper in spirit anyway? Frank-Erik de Leeuw: 'Yes, that's it [...]
Smoking is bad for your brain. Researcher Frank-Erik de Leeuw of Radboud University has now discovered why exactly: smoking damages the white matter, the neural pathways that transmit information between different brain areas. As a result, the thinking ability deteriorates.
A cigarette makes you sharper in spirit anyway?
Frank-Erik de Leeuw: 'Yes, that is the acute effect of nicotine in your brain. But long-term smoking, as you get older, makes your cognitive functioning come in a faster descending line. A cigarette makes you sharper for a moment, but less sharply than before you started smoking. '
Do smokers notice something of that decline?
"No, the process is going too slowly for that. But they rather reach the lower limit of cognitive functioning: smokers are more likely to become demented. '
If you can not stop, is it worth it to at least smoke less?
'Yes, the fewer cigarettes you smoke in total, the less serious the damage to your brain.'
You discovered that the harmful effect is completely gone twenty years after you stopped. Does the damage also recover faster?
'Unfortunately not. We do suspect that a certain genetic predisposition makes your brain less vulnerable to smoking. '
Cigarette is smoking
'If you continue to smoke ...'
Smoking is bad for your brain. Researcher Frank-Erik de Leeuw of Radboud University has now discovered why exactly: smoking damages the white matter, the neural pathways that transmit information between different brain areas. As a result, the thinking ability deteriorates.
A cigarette makes you sharper in spirit anyway?
Frank-Erik de Leeuw: 'Yes, that is the acute effect of nicotine in your brain. But long-term smoking, as you get older, makes your cognitive functioning come in a faster descending line. A cigarette makes you sharper for a moment, but less sharply than before you started smoking. '
Do smokers notice something of that decline?
"No, the process is going too slowly for that. But they rather reach the lower limit of cognitive functioning: smokers are more likely to become demented. '
If you can not stop, is it worth it to at least smoke less?
'Yes, the fewer cigarettes you smoke in total, the less serious the damage to your brain.'
You discovered that the harmful effect is completely gone twenty years after you stopped. Does the damage also recover faster?
'Unfortunately not. We do suspect that a certain genetic predisposition makes your brain less vulnerable to smoking. '
Cigarette is smoking
'If you continue to smoke ...'
Quitting smoking can be extremely difficult, even for those who are really motivated: less than 10 percent of the stop attempts succeed.
British researchers now say they have found something that increases the chances of success: personalized risk information. More than 2,600 smokers who had already indicated that they wanted to stop, received a letter in which their GP explained how big the chances were that, given their current state of health and smoking habits, they would get a serious condition. They also read how much that risk would drop if they now renounce the tobacco.
People from this group were twice as likely to respond to the invitation to quit smoking as people from the control group who were only given a standard invitation. They also finished the course twice as often, and kept on smoking almost twice as often for at least a week. Men in particular were sensitive to such a personal risk calculation.
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