Tip 1
Eat varied. Use the offer of the season; nature gives the nutrients that we need at that moment.
Tip 2
Eat 200 grams of vegetables and 200 grams of fruit a day. You never eat vegetables too much. In addition, they provide a feeling of satiety, they contain many valuable vitamins and minerals and just few calories.
Tip 3
Take a wholemeal, starch or carbohydrate product for each meal. This brings your blood sugar in balance and you can function properly. There is a lot of vitamin C in potatoes and there are also many minerals and fibers in it.
Tip 4
Put power bombs like lentils, soy, kidney beans and capuchins on your shopping list. They are packed with vegetable proteins, folic acid, fibers and minerals. With legumes you quickly prepare a nutritious meal.
Tip 5
Choose oily fish and low-fat meat. Meat is iron and protein rich and has many B vitamins. With low-fat meats, you benefit from these benefits and avoid saturated fats. Mackerel, tuna and other fatty fish contain many omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Tip 6
Drink your body every day with one and a half liters of fluid. Take especially non-calorie drinks such as water, tea, coffee without milk and / or sugar and other drinks that contain less than 5 kcal per 100 ml.
Tip 7
Limit yourself to one glass of alcohol and remember: 1 glass is equal to 1 sandwich.
Tip 8
Know your fats. A good diet contains between sixty and eighty grams of fat every day. You need fat for good digestion and a feeling of fullness. Unsaturated fats with essential fatty acids are: low-fat margarine, liquid frying fat and frying fat and nuts.
Cheese, and sausage varieties have mainly saturated and therefore less favorable fats .
Tip 9
Prepare with policy. Use little oil and fat when cooking, heat the fats briefly and do not overheat vegetables for too long. This way you maintain the natural taste of the food and no harmful substances are released. Say goodbye to ready-made meals and takeaway food. In these meals is a lot of sugar, salt and saturated fat .
Tip 10
Keep counting calories. The older you are, the fewer calories you need. Someone 70 years old needs half the calories than a 30-year-old.
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