Do you have tips to live healthier?
Indeed, again tips to live healthier. We are all busy. There is not much time to exercise and sometimes you just crave something to eat. And then you are really not waiting for someone who tells you what is healthy and what is not. It is precisely about preventing that craving and about creating possibilities.
The 21 tips below to live healthier show that healthy is not always difficult and time-consuming.
The 21 tips to live healthier
You probably already know some of the 21 tips to live healthier. And perhaps you think "Yes duhuu ..." with some. That is beautiful. But there is a difference between knowing and doing.
The question is therefore; DO you DO the (healthy) things that you KNOW? Only by doing results ....
Ok, there come the tips to live healthier.
1. Fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables
Starchy vegetables generally contain more carbohydrates and calories than non-starchy vegetables.
Examples of starchy vegetables include corn, beans and potatoes.
Examples of non starchy vegetables include dark leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts.
By filling half of your plate with leafy vegetables and carrots (not starchy vegetables) you automatically get fewer calories. And there is another health benefit; non starchy vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, fibers and moisture.
2. Eat from small dishes
A study showed that people who ate from large crockery received 56% more food than people who ate from smaller crockery. This saved about 142 calories.
The simple illusion of a smaller plate, therefore, helps to eat less.
3. Replace refined carbohydrates for unprocessed carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are stripped of their nutritious value. They are also known as empty carbohydrates. They add calories, but no nutritional value to your food.
Examples of refined carbohydrates are white bread, white flour, white pasta, white rice, hamburger buns, chips and many other (highly) processed products. You often eat more of such products because they do not really satiate.
Refined carbohydrates are even so dangerous that they can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Examples of unprocessed carbohydrates are brown rice, oatmeal and wholemeal bread. The whole (grain) grain has been used. Such foods contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
4. Eat fruit with your breakfast in the morning
In the morning I often eat oatmeal or muesli. It is particularly tasty and healthy to add a handful of berries, strawberries, a banana or some apple. It takes hardly any effort and you get a lot of healthy substances inside.
One of those healthy substances is polyphenols. These are certain fabrics that give fruit and vegetables their distinctive color. Polyphenols act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body fight inflammation.
Research shows that polyphenols help to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, premature death and diabetes 2.
5. Eat fatty fish
Fatty fish such as herring, salmon and mackerel contain many healthy nutrients, including healthy omega 3 fats.
I think omega 3 is so important that every morning I take a capsule of omega 3. Research shows that omega 3 can reduce the risks of chronic inflammation (which can later become chronic diseases), heart disease and even mental problems.
A lot of fish is eaten in Japan, for example. It is not for nothing that certain diseases simply do not occur there, which we do find.
Fatty fish is also a good source of the B vitamins. For example, the vitamin B complex helps to repair your DNA, keep your brain and nerves healthy and it helps the body to make energy.
6. Consider supplements
As I indicated in the previous section, I take an omega 3 capsule every day. I also take extra magnesium and sometimes multi-vitamins from an expensive brand.
Of course, a varied and healthy diet forms the basis of my lifestyle, but it does not hurt to give the body some extras.
So I also regularly make flax seeds through my muesli in the morning. Linseed does not cost much and does the bowels well.
7. Green tea
I have written several blogs about green tea in recent years. It is one of the healthiest drinks you can drink. Not least because green tea barely contains calories and is full of antioxidants and other healthy substances.
Green tea also contains substances that help to burn body fat and stimulate your metabolism. The faster your metabolism works, the more calories you burn.
Do you want to know more about speeding up your metabolism? Then read the e-book Your Metabolism Boost once.
8. Drink your coffee black
Coffee contains barely calories and the caffeine dust, like green tea, speeds up your metabolism. Very handy.
But what do many people do? They drink their coffee with milk and sugar. Or they opt for cappuccino or latte Coffee drink. As a result, the coffee contains many more calories and the metabolism disappears with an accelerating effect.
Simply black coffee.
9. Avoid soft drinks
Of all the tips to live healthier, I could scream out.
Studies show that sugar drinks can significantly increase the risk of diabetes 2, heart disease and obesity. In addition, the acids in soft drinks can damage your teeth.
What are you drinking? I choose ordinary water and if you like a taste, you add lemon, lime, fresh ginger, mint or (green) tea. Easy?
Do you want more insights and tips to live healthier? Then read the Healthy e-book in 10 Steps .
10. Healthy snacks
Everyone is sometimes hungry and some people even experience this every day. Hunkering increases the chances of eating something that is not healthy. Why do not you take some healthy snacks when you go out?
I often have raw and unsalted nuts with me.
11. Drink water
Water is very important for good health. You exist for the most part from water. Moisture therefore has an enormous impact on your moods, your brain function and your concentration.
But that's not all. Drinking water can also help you lose weight. Water also boosts your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories.
Want to know more about speeding up your metabolism to lose weight? Then download the e-book Boost Your Metabolism .
Convenient; take a large glass of water for every meal. Your stomach will become full sooner, so that you are more saturated. This helps to get fewer calories.
12. Create a shopping list
Before you step into a store to supplement the weekly stocks, create a shopping list. Of course, this list does not contain tips for living healthier. (Although if you put vegetables on it ...). But this list does not help you to make impulse purchases.
The supermarket for example is full of marketing tricks to let you buy more. But whether you (and your family) are getting healthier?
13. With a full stomach in the store
If you are hungry, you buy more food than when you have just eaten. We have all experienced this.
14. Choose full nutrition
Full nutrition consists of foods that you can see, taste and smell what it is. A melon, a carrot or an onion look like a melon, carrot and an onion. And that's how they taste.
This should not really be a tip, but in the western countries we eat more and more highly processed foods. Although they are useful, they are usually stripped of various (or practically all) nutrients. This increases the risks of overweight and chronic diseases.
So choose whole pieces of fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken and organic eggs.
15. Eat quietly
Turn off the TV, remove your phone and read the newspaper later. Make sure you pay attention to what you eat. It turns out that you better understand what you eat. And that benefits the number of calories that you do not eat.
16. Eat sitting
A quick snack. Yes, how often does that happen? Naturally, I do not mean by sitting food that you roll a sandwich behind me. Seated food means that you are sitting at the table and your meal is quietly working inside.
Seated food can also help you de-stress and that is also good for the number of calories that you (not) eat.
17. Moving short is also moving
Do you always mail your colleagues to explain something, or are you walking towards them? Do you get a quick and refreshing nose during the lunch break, or are you staying in the cafeteria? Do you take the elevator or do you choose the stairs?
Just a few tips to live healthier.
There is a connection between the lack of physical activity, poor physical health and a miserable mental state.
Want to know more about healthy living? Download the popular e-book Healthy In 10 Steps .
18. Stand more often and longer
We lead a sedentary life. We sit in the car, sit at a desk and when you're home at night you're on the couch. An average office worker is around 15 hours a day.
Research shows that people who are most likely to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes 2, obesity and premature death. That is quite something to me.
Standing costs nothing and gives you a lot of money.
19. Disconnect yourself from the technology
A good night's rest is an absolute condition for good health. Unfortunately, many people sleep too short and bad.
This has partly to do with the neurotransmitter . Your body makes this neurotransmitter when it becomes dim. You then get to sleep. However, our body does not make this neurotransmitter with the light of the TV, smartphone and tablet.
It sounds simple, but your brain thinks it's daylight.
Unfortunately, this habit can lead to depression and mood disorders. How do you solve that? She turns off the tech one hour before you go to sleep, grab a book, dim the lights and take a cup of tea.
Want to know more about how neurotransmitters work on your life? Read the e-book From Stress to Happiness .
20. Go to bed around the same time every night
Your body gets used to a certain rhythm. If you do not go to bed until midnight every night, you usually experience little fatigue around 22:00 in the evening. But if your alarm clock is around 6:00, you have only slept 6 hours. That's not much.
Most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a day to function properly. That is why it is useful, for example, to go to bed around the same time every day and to take 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night into account.
Good sleep has an impact on your memory, your concentration and your sense of fitness.
21. Relax, relax and talk
Everyone experiences stress and that is not bad in itself. But if stress becomes chronic (and that is the case with many), then all sorts of unpleasant physical and mental problems arise.
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