Saturday, 27 October 2018

7 practical and simple tips to keep you from the flu.

With these tips you can start immediately.

Ensure a good physical condition . A good condition ensures a better immune system and that you need to fight the virus. So go sports, hiking, cycling, MOVED.
Go outside . Even though it is cold. The cold gives a boost to your immune system so viruses are less likely to nest. (TIP: combine tip 1 and tip 2)
Ventilate sufficiently!
Sleep enough. Your body recovers at night. Catching a sleep during the day does not have the same effect. Your body will then settle down, but the real recovery process takes place between 10.00 and 4.00.

Eat healthy . Think of: FRESH vegetables and FRESH fruit. Preferably of the season. Preferably organic. Also use fresh herbs and spices such as: turmeric, ginger, garlic, green leaf herbs.
Drink enough , especially water and herbal tea are good for you. Also make water with pieces of cucumber, slices of lemon, slices of ginger and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Or drink hot water with a few slices of ginger and a few slices of lemon. All delicious and also healthy drinks.
Wash your hands .

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